Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Wanna date?

Since the proliferation of massage parlours in Montreal - they're bigger than depanneurs - the idea of whoring by the roadside seems so passe. One of the last holdouts to brazen daytime street prostitution is at Prefontaine and St. Catherine. The one on the right was picked up by a guy in a car a few seconds after this. The other came over and talked to me about her life after arriving here from the North. She bemoaned the presence of a crackhouse across the street apparently run by some Greek guy. A few minutes after she went inside the crackhouse.

1 comment:

  1. Years ago I lived near Roy and there were hookers all up and down Pine. It wasn't them so much as the guys...ewww. Once I was waiting for the 144 and the cops slowed down to look at me...they thought i was one of the business girls! i shit you not.


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