Wednesday, June 24, 2009

As predicted here first- Crowley to get big traffic

You read it here first 2 years ago. The crazy idea of blocking the in-out-traffic valve of lower NDG - ie: the intersection of Demaisonneuve and Decarie - to all but ambulances and buses was solved. Alas, it was at the expense of the private little enclave on the east side of the expressway just before Upper Lachine Road. The once verdant Prudhomme/Crowley islet will now accompany cars that will then get into the same big intersection from the south side. Here's a coupla shots of some of the early construction work. It's just west of the Vendome metro. The plan was deemed necessary due to the upcoming superhospital.


  1. Looks like an opportunity for Merson, with more drive-bys.

  2. Anonymous9:49 pm

    It's very sad what has transpired here.The folks who live just north of Crowley on Prud'Homme are totally screwed.That includes the small row of rather new townhouses and the few other rental units next to them. My ex and kids happen to live there and I can not believe how Meisters Applebaum and Tremblay rammed this thru with a sham of consulation to the tenants and owners directly concerned. They could of at least expropiated the concerned properties(better something than nothing) One of the townhouse owners had their place up for sale last summer....not a bite, even after dropping the price twice.Maybe all potential buyers read your blog from two years ago ! I'm not against the Hospial and the need to configure traffic in a reasonable manner; but there has to be a better way and one that is less disruptive to the area residents. Having a facility that size a stones throw from your home is quite a bit as it is.

  3. Historically, that part of the neighbourhood has been re-configured many times going as far back as the 1930s due the the unavoidable conjunction of major through-roads, local avenues, and, of course, the railway line which effectively cut NDG in half--the "poor side of the tracks" being the south side.

    One important remaining infrastructure modification will have to be the upgrade of that 3.55 meter high CPR underpass on Decarie south of de Maisonneuve.

    How many times have big trucks wedged themselves in that trap?

  4. Evidently, a heavily-criticized plan by the city to close the Upper Lachine Road underpass between Girouard and Decarie has been dropped. Furthermore, the old 3.55 meter underpass nearby on Decarie itself has been upgraded to 4.7 meters and the road beneath it is now a two-way.


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