Friday, June 19, 2009

Chinese laundry sudden death

This sad photo, from the Jan 12, 1969 edition of Allo Police displays a Chinese laundry worker from a joint at Ontario and St. Timothy who dropped dead in his shop while fetching charcoal.
   Back then the crime press would publish countless photos of this sort without batting an eye. Some such photos, such as that of Richard Blass's shot up body have become Quebec iconography.
   Other published photos from that era are disturbing, at least two covers were downright chilling, death of children by parental abuse. However gangsters who get shot seem legitimate news photography. What kinda policy do Coolopolis readers favour?


  1. Reminiscent of your wonderful article on the ubiquitous neighborhood chinese laundries of the fifties and sixties.

    Most with green doors

  2. I'd be interested to see absolutely anything you find. Don't hold back!

  3. There's one particularly horrible Allo or Photo Police cover of a mother around 1971 who went crazy and hung her 12 year old son outdoors. The photos show the kid hanging. I have another of a baby of a few months old. The parents killed the kid for being retarded. Lots of other gruesome photos aren't so depressing though, I might post the crime pics and leave those aside.

  4. i'm ok with 'anything goes' was on Allo police, it's in the public domain. We're adults here...BTW i'm the type of person who looks at tabloids when they have crime scene photos...i.e the OJ crime scene. (The wounds and slash marks were blacked out but faces were not).

  5. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Crime srories are tolerable as long as you keep them to less than 10% of your blog.

  6. Jean Naimard11:52 pm

    One gruesome story that caught my mind, some 30 years ago, was about some retarded morons who fed their baby to their dog, commencing with the arms which were neatly sliced-off.

    Bobo-Police had the flair and gusto to publish the pictures of the dead baby sans arms.

    Real classy press, there.

  7. John Moss4:22 pm

    The grit is great, esp. when not spread across the page.
    PS, I have a pet peeve about the commercial media: accused bad guys have their smirking mugs and names repeated endlessly on the screen, even when they expired themselves doing the bad.


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