Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Was dread of PQ really an Anglo thing?

Letter to the editor of Taqralik, a publication of the Northern Quebec Inuit Association (Editor Alec C. Gordon); No. 11; Vol. 2; July-August 1977

Dear Taqralik,
   We have been hearing on the radio and in the papers that the Quebec government wishes more use of their language in the province of Quebec and that they wish to separate from the rest of Canada. It is very saddening to hear this.
   The Inuit have been using their culture for many years before the French came to Canada. The Inuit used to travel between Northern Quebec and N.W.T. by dogsleds because they are all related to each other. They should not be forced into another culture or language that they do not want.
   The way I am thinking, whoever that person is that does not want to lose his culture or language might as well go back to France where he comes from. That is if he does not want to hear our language spoken in Canada. Even if Quebec tries to separate from the rest of the provinces the country will just weaken itself. Any person who wishes to learn how to speak English or French may do so.
   I have heard that before I was born, there were some French people that arrived in Inukjuak with a trading post. They were welcomed by the Inuit but when the Hudson Bay Company arrived, the French trading company just left the Inuit behind.
   Even though, ships have been arriving now, I have never seen anyone who speaks French. Thirty-seven years have passed since the children of Inukjuak started being taught how to speak English by the Federal government and before that, they were taught by the missionaries in English only.
  In 1954, when the ship C.D. Howe arrived, the Inuit first heard their language (French), they used to say that the language was different. I wonder if they had also remained in Quebec but they were never around when we'd be starving or having bad times. We'd hope that as long as any white people would come, but they never did.
  The Canadian Government has now been helping the Inuit for a long time, they have also provided houses and only recently have the French people begun to appear.   I have been asking a few white people if whether the Parti Quebecois is doing a good thing or not but still I haven't seen anyone that thinks it's good.
   What I think is that, that person (Rene Levesque, the new premier) who was elected is very well aware that he is known widely and that he should be trying to help the Inuit of Northern Quebec all he can. He should try to keep them comfortable and happy on their land.
   As residents of Canada, we should all be thankful that we are together and there is enough food and water in Canada.
   I have not heard if he (Premier) had made all his plans after asking the first people of Canada who are the Inuit and Indians. I feel that he is just a person visiting from France. If that person does not want to lose his culture I think there is some truth in it and his people also want to keep on using their French culture but if they tell the Inuit to speak French, they will make the Inuit worried because most of them have not been taught French.
   The Inuit have never said that they would separate. I am not saying that the person who started all this is absent-minded but I think that he should fix a part of his mind.
   I may be wrong but everybody also makes mistakes and I feel that I should help that is why I am writing what I think. Thank you.

Semionnie Amaroalik,
Resolute Bay, NWT


  1. Ah, yes, she’s in the Northwest Territories. If she was in Québec, she would be speaking inuktituk more than english, because in Québec, the natives are schooled in their ancestral language first, which is why 80% of natives in Québec still speak their language, instead of only 20% in the rest of Canada.

    The fact is that law 101 ALSO protects the native languages, too.

  2. Anonymous8:52 am

    Re "The Inuit have never said that they would separate": This was confirmed in the plebiscite of 1995when well over 90% of Natives voted to reject Quebec partitioning
    to become an independent country. I wonder if Parizeau, when he blamed 'ethnic' citizens of Quebec for denying him his title, had in mind the Natives as well as the 'newcomers'. What a way to start a new country in this day and age!

  3. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Bill 101 also prevents cancer and enables pigs to fly.


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