Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Guy Laliberte biography book launch fotosnappes

   Above is the esteemed (esteemed?-Chimples) Montreal journalist Ian Halperin who spends most of his time making movies and updating his celeb site from his nest in the Big Apple.
    He has penned a bunch of bios on celebs ranging from Kurt Cobain to James Taylor and his latest tome is apparently the first written about the billionaire Cirque de Soleil founder Guy Laliberte.
   Halperin had a source in Lalibertes ex-wife who was, or may or may not have been in the news last winter, nonetheless Halperin remains an admirer of Laliberte which is a good idea cuz hes very rich and allegedly has some good parties which are said to involve free love making on boats.
   I don't have any views about Laliberte but once when I wrote a playful (by playful do you mean slanderous?-Chimples) little article in a newspaper about the Laliberte, the Cirque subsequently made a point of buying advertisements in every newspaper except the one I worked at. Anyway, Laliberte wasn't among those assembled at the St. Paul Pub in Old Montreal yesterday.
   Halperin's effort was made possible by publisher Pierre Turgeon who has his own rather interesting story reported recently here on Coolopolis. He gave a speech. I guess it wasn't terrible. I sorta hate speeches, bring some props or something to amuse me guys.
Edmond Chouke roams hand
Longtime Enquirer stringer Esmond Choueke, who once penned a bio with Halperin about Celine Dion, showed up and was promptly surrounded by top notch chicks including this gorgeous young lady with a short skirt. (Is his hand on her knee?...sheesh guy sure works fast-Chimples).
    Also present was TV documentary guy Paul Carvalho who was beaming about his documentary about the east end of Montreal, which apparently had a ton of wealth a century ago. He came across a bunch of little-known photos documenting some of the personalities and buildings from that place and time and Radio Canada will air his project sometime in the future.
    I didn't have a chance to look at the Ian's book on Laliberte yet because I crashed a surprise party for Eric Siblin, who also has a hot selling book these days called the Cello Suites. I haven't look at that book either but its apparently very popular.

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