Saturday, June 27, 2009

A day in the square

Photographed just a few hours ago in Dominion Square.


  1. Anonymous7:46 am

    So, We Are ?Marching? To Pretoria?

    I hope it's just routine maintenance and not "transportation" to some out-of-the-way industrial park in Ville St. Laurent.

    Mr. Peabody

  2. It was coming back, actually. This Boer War memorial and the Robbie Burns statue were both taken away for recoating, while their pedestals underwent repairs to their foundations and inscriptions. I think nearby Wilfrid Laurier got made over, too. Looks like a good job was done.

  3. Anonymous5:57 pm

    Gotta "Fed Up" the park for Canada Day.


  4. Anonymous11:41 pm

    ;-) Union Now!

  5. I for one am glad that they take care of these statues. Nothing wrong with "fedding up" Place du Canada a bit.


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