Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Method Cleaners apparently no more

When we sought to bring some soiled gabardines and sunhats to the cleaners recently we learned that the New Method Washing (above) at 6425 Christopher Colombus has been demolished and replaced by housing. We asked a loiterer about the New Method. He misheard, thinking that we were asking for a substance called 'meth' which we purchased from him (when in Rome...) and greatly enjoyed it although it is not recommended for primates as our taxicab driver ruefully attests. Certainly much sadness and gnashing of teeth must have accompanied the demise of the New Method Cleaners.


  1. Does a similar fate await "New System BBQ"? I've always wondered what their system was, and how it differed from the old one.

  2. Something I've noticed for 20+ years now...New System delivery drivers are maniacs - I mean more than the average driver...much more. Seriously they'll put themselves out of business when there's no one left to deliver.

  3. Jean Naimard2:01 am

    New Method has been torn down some 10 years ago (you oughta get out of Nun’s Island more often, Kristian).

    As of New System, well, I precisely don’t patronize them when I go at my girlfriend’s in St-Henri precisely because they drive like maniacs.

    I rather go to the nearby Greenspot, it’s safer.


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