Sunday, July 05, 2009

Oka beach tat Q

One row of photos is laden with beach-goers almost all needled up with tattoos, the other row has exclusively are ink virgins (at least as far as we can see). For the purposes of this quiz, we've erased the tats. Which row are the tatty women at? Click on the photo to see detail.
   We have some winners. It is indeed the top row. All but one photo - the one on the right contain at least one girl with a tat, mostly on the belly, semi-hidden by the panty line.


  1. Anonymous7:27 pm

    I am going with the bottom row, Amy Winehouse in the middle surely has some tattoo action.


  2. I'm going to go with the second row, too solely because the woman second to the left is wearing a denim dress instead of bikini bottoms and if that isn't a sign of trouble, I don't know what is!

  3. Anonymous7:26 am

    Nice photos. I say top row. More dyed hair up there.

    -Janice Mc.

  4. Anonymous8:02 am

    top row

  5. Anonymous8:22 am

    Is there a prize? If so, top row.

  6. Anonymous8:25 am

    Top row. Includes smoker and hair dyer. More navel jewels too.


  7. Anonymous11:11 am

    I'll go along with the majority. Top row. Although a few probably have some that aren't visible in these shots. When comes the answer and what's my prize? Justin the Love Muffin.

  8. Manicfinance7:56 pm

    Top row it is. I concur with anonymous. Smoking, dyed hair, navel hardware. Is there an A&W sirloin burger waiting for me? U know, the one near Reno Depot on St.J. Right near Westhaven village. Plenty of tatoos rollin in there.

  9. Anonymous6:31 am

    Do we get to see the tattoos? (pre-airbrushed version)



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