Saturday, July 11, 2009

Q? 4 pictures = 1 scandalous story

These picture clues add up to a scandalous, front-page kind of story that broke right here in town. Any idea?

Answer: The pictures show: members of the Ku Klux Clan at work or play, Henry Ford's yacht -- Siali, Henry Ford (rich and powerful industrialist and founder of Ford Motor Company), and the Lachine Canal.

Ford was known for his extreme views on morals and society. While passing through Montreal aboard his yacht on the Lachine Canal, he shot his mouth off with a reporter, and his loose did everything but sink the ship. The quotes made the rounds all over the continent. Here are a couple of news stories from the day:

(By United Press)

Montreal, Aug. 27, 1924--"If the truth were known about the Ku Klux Klan, it would be looked upon as a patriotic body, concerned about nothing but further development of the country in which it was born and the preservation of the supremacy of the true American in his own land."

That, according to an interview published in the Montreal Star today, is Henry Ford's opinion of the hooded order.

The Star interviewed Ford as his yacht passed through the Lachine canal carrying its owner to his home in Dearborn, Mich., and quotes him as saying:

"The klan is the victim of a mass of lying propaganda and therefore is looked upon with disfavor in many quarters."

Ford, according to the Star, denied he is a member of the hooded society but praised its ideals without stint.

The next day, this news report circulated in countless newspapers.

(By United Press)
Montreal, Aug. 28--The Montreal Star prints the following statement today:

"The fact of the interview which Henry Ford so positively denies is substantiated by Captain George P. Fleming, pilot aboard Mr. Ford's yacht. The interview took place just before Mr. Ford's yacht left the harbor and was participated in by two staff reporters of the Montreal Star, which today reiterates their version of what Mr. Ford said, which they transcribed in the Star within an hour of the time of utterance.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:39 am

    This has kind of a Montgomery Burns feel to it.



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