Saturday, July 11, 2009

Q-err..actually screw it, I'll just tell youze

  Sheldon Kagan, who is a Montreal concert promoter. A name I've heard a lot but I know nothing about the guy, other than the fact that he - according to the caption of this newspaper photo - always drove around with his dog in his motorcycle sidecar 30 years ago when this photo appeared as - presumably - an attention-getting scheme of endearment. Not sure about the legalities of this.
   Back then such guys needed animal sidekicks. I saw a similar sorta photo of George Durst, who opened some of the earliest discos in the city, as well as House of Jazz (formerly Biddles) and Cage au Sports. On the wall of Durst's studio prop joint on Notre Dame E. (since closed) Durst kept a framed newspaper photo from the late 60s/early 70s of himself as a younger scenester walking around with an ocelot on his shoulder, a real live one, not sure if it was chained or diapered or whatever.


  1. Anonymous9:00 pm

    Kagan has been running dances and other parties since th 60s. Look him up on Facebook and become his friend and he'll send you invitations to current tropical parties.

  2. Aloha from Hawaii

    My buddy in Montreal about 1968 had an ocelot. Back then you could legally buy one from certain petshops but even then they cost an ocelot of money.


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