Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tram 2053

This top photo - poached by a Coolopolis intern who has since been dismissed for stealing sunflower seeds - is listed as Tram 2053 at Rachel and Davidson, 1956. If that's accurate, the lovely billboard and sturdy old building is gone, along with - of course - the sweet old tram.


  1. Streetcar11:01 pm

    This picture is from the MTC archives. Unfortunately their captions are spotty and not always accurate.

    One picture they claim is of Amherst turns out to be of Frontenac. I knew trams were taken off Amherst and replaced by trolleybuses c. 1948 but that picture shows early 50s cars. The street also looked too narrow for Amherst so I got on my bike and compared Amherst with other streets leading up to the Sherbrooke escarpment that had trams. I took pictures and was able to identify the same buildings on Frontenac (some are now hideously defaced under that industrial cladding Montreal loves these days) as from the early 50s tram picture.

  2. Effectivement pour répondre à l'autre commentaire, il s'agit bien de Frontenac et non de Amherst sur cette photo:

    Voici la preuve dans street view:,-73.560119&sspn=0.00614,0.010139&ie=UTF8&hq=&layer=xc&ll=45.536325,-73.552812&spn=0.000165,0.011984&z=17&cbll=45.533274,-73.553306&panoid=f0zZ6nR0UcL45k4tZQoKjw&cbp=12,311.1,,0,3.69

    ainsi que la preuve dans l'annuaire Lovett où l'on peut lire au 2031 Frontenac "Ginger's Lingerie Shop"

    Et vlan, dans les dents de la STM!


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