Monday, August 03, 2009

Because you asked ... Tom Mulcair's flophouse

It might not be obvious by looking at his knee-dipping, Outremont-winning, environment-championing puss today, but Thomas Mulcair was once a Lay's-munching, dish-not-doing, let's-check-out-Saturday-in-the-Park homeboy. In answer to your deluge of requests about where he used to shack down, we (and Bing and Lovell's) bring you this scoop about the cheap kinda $200ish flat this dulcet-toned political survivor used to do his homework in.This listing is from 1977. As a student Thomas Mulciar lived at 6720 Sherbrooke, just west of NDG Park.

Hey, that's near Persian hangouts Zam Zam and Akhavan. Green guy ... Green Revolution. Coincidence?


  1. Anonymous6:59 am

    You guys are Lovell's-gods.


  2. You can use Bing to search the Lovell's directory on the banq site?

    Here's another question: is Tom Mulcair the son of the doctor on that Lovell's list? As I recall my mother's reminiscences, Dr. Mulcair delivered me at St. Mary's and I went to grade school with another of the Mulcairs on that list, but I don't know whether the politician is related to them.

  3. Anonymous9:49 pm

    Dr. Mulcair delivered a few Peabody cousins too.


  4. Zadcat: Word is that Mulcair originated in Ottawa. Bing is cool, because it gives you Sherbrooke W instead of Sherbrooke O -- and the pictures are cooler at an angle like that. And no it doesn't work with Lovell's -- it's all legwork, as a cutting-edge blogger like you already know.

  5. I would also like to know if Tom Mulcair is related to the gynecologist Dr. Mulcair at St. Mary's. He was my doctor and he was the best!

  6. Jean Naimard3:21 pm

    Is there a Lovell’s in the BNQ???

  7. Jean: Lovell's available online from the BNQ from 1842-2000. Hopefully they'll add more years soon.


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