Sunday, March 28, 2010

Buy in Frenglish at all times

Coolopolis fully supports the new campaign to make sure that our conversations in stores occur in the right language, although we'd like to modify it by recommending Frenglish, the tongue spoken pretty much everywhere on the planet that falls within the confines of Montreal City. 
   We're starting Frenglish/Franglais lessons at Coolopolis Towers soon, $220 for a 19 lesson session where we'll teach you how to find the shoe section, for example: "Ou sont la section for les things you walk in?" (point to your feet). 
   People love it when you talk Frenglish. It will make you wildly popular but it's not as easy as it looks and it involves a lot of hand motions so it's best to take the full course. We've taken the provincial poster and made it better.


  1. If Chimples would teach the course, I'd bring a banana each day and put it on his desk.

  2. Anonymous11:26 am

    How about "Chinglish" or "Engrish"?

    Some great signs in "Engrish" are posted at .

  3. Or as the STM electronic banners display: "Go Canadiens Go."

  4. Anonymous11:56 am

    Now seems like the perfect time to look into exactly how much this whole campaign cost, including those scratchy burlap bags (which seem to have gotten into the hands, mostly, of Anglos and American tourists – that's downtown on a Friday afternoon, geniuses).

  5. The other Seth9:11 pm

    The picture of the guy looks like the person who recently parked their shopping cart full of bottles in front of my place and knocked on my door to ask about a vacant apt. in the building where I live. I then told the landlord to close the drapes on the vacant, ground-floor apt., as he's not around to deal with walk-in inquiries, and I'm not the super.


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