Monday, March 22, 2010

Video of the day - Steve Lack in Montreal Main

Where you from, you definitely ain't from this district, eh? You from this district? You live around here? Or you live kinda NDG way, Snowdon?


  1. Anonymous9:54 pm

    One of the nicest homemade films in English-Montreal history.
    Especially the scene of Bozo masturbating in the truck.

  2. Anonymous7:24 pm

    Tony Booth (blonde) and Steve Sutherland (dark hair) went to Herbert Symonds, back in the day, and were in my class.

  3. The other Seth1:59 am

    Forget the old guy, the young chatterbox is even creepier.

  4. The Other Seth2:22 am

    Good movie, cool music. Even the guy who says something like "I take pictures of boys. Can I take your son to the mountain?" is a sympathetic character.


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