Saturday, April 24, 2010

Jay Baruchel Montreal man of the year

    There's a movement afoot to make Bill Shatner the next Governor General. Hell noze! We have a much better candidate. In fact we've decided to make this person the Coolopolis Man-o-the-year, ie: Montrealer of the year and not just because we saw him buying cat food at the Gene Kootoo on Monkland on Wednesday at noon. Anybody wanna guess who he is?
    We have a winner! it is indeed Hollywood rising star thespian Jay Baruchel who is not only from NDG but also spends as much time in the multi-island city (175 in all!) known as Montreal.


  1. Set(h)/Sept4:14 pm

    Judging by the hair, I'd say Lyle Lovett.

  2. Sethoscope4:31 pm

    The hair, could it be Lorne Elliott?

  3. No, this guy is much more famous than Lorne Elliot and much more now than Lyle Lovett.

  4. Xavier Dolan is my guess with that hair shadow

  5. Anonymous2:00 am

    Xavier Dolan?

  6. Jay Baruchel?

  7. Seth, Actually9:20 pm

    Never heard of him. Do you have to be a 12-year-old girl to know of him?

  8. Anonymous9:35 am

    You never saw the movie Tropic Thunder? Or Million Dollar Babies? When Clint won Best Director for Million Dollar Babies, he thanked Jay from the stage. Pretty cool. JB's also been in many, many other films and should be cheered for his undying love for this wacky town. He keeps an apt in NDG and as far as I know has no plans on becoming a US citizen. Yay Jay!



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