Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Q-What is this?

   This rusty milk bottle, very reminiscent of our own recently-revamped one at Crescent and Dorchester, is seen from Berks Station in Philadelphia where I spent last weekend. However this photo was actually taken by the Mr. Wonderful himself, Kyle MacDonald, who interrupted his trip to India to give a speech whomwhatsoever wanted to know how to trade a red paper clip for a house.
   Total coincidence that me, Kyle and the Habs were all there at the same time, none of us crossed paths, although I saw a rather alert minded Pierre Houde holding court in the hotel bar and a slightly less alert looking Benoit Brunet hanging around there as well.


  1. That's the Guaranteed Pure Milk Bottle coming up from behind Cité de Commerce Electronique on Lucien L'Allier below Rene-Levesque. It was redone/cleaned up last year or so, wasn't it?

  2. In fact that's not what it is!

  3. MP and I.9:47 am

    The Guaranteed Pure Milk 'Bottle' water tank during it's recent renovation.

    A lovely Restoration of a Montreal downtown icon

    Thank You, all.

  4. Anonymous11:47 am

    H.J. Heinz world HQ?


  5. MP and I.3:17 pm

    Wow, certainly fooled me!

    I am pleased, and saddened to find out that the Montreal milk bottle has company, thinking all these years it was a one-of-a-kind.

    Hope the one shown has a following and receives the same TLC the Guaranteed Pure Milk tower did.

    I always looked for 'ours' when travelling along Dorchester on the streetcar many moons ago.

    Amazing, but logical that there would be more thank one.

    Thank You.

  6. Expo Soixante Set(h)4:04 pm

    When I saw the pic, I thought, Finally, a quiz I'll get. But I knew many people would have guessed it before me.

    But I would've guessed wrong anyhow.

    Years ago, I thought they removed the bottle, as development around there blocked it from certain vantage points.

  7. MP and I.4:09 pm

    A Codocil.

    I was very, very pleased to see the Montreal Milk Bottle get restored.

    A few years ago my father passed away so I had to conduct business downtown and had some time to kill before boarding a commuter train at Lucien.

    I had a camera and wandered all over the area trying to get a 'good' photo of the-then unrestored tower.

    Not easy without a telephoto lens.

    During this amble, full of memories, I was able to absorb the remining old buildings in the area, and observe first hand the many, many changes to the once-lowish rise architecture downtown.

    Many splendid new structures reaching for the sky, with historic brick ones huddled nearby waiting their time of demolition.

    I then assumed it was just a matter of time until the Milk Bottle came screeching down, pulled apart by backhoes with hydraulic booms and jaws.

    My father and I looked up at it eons ago from Dorchester when we were walking to Central Station to get on a train, we descending a few stops short specifically for the walk East.

    We also checked out the Sun Life Building, cut thru the square opposite with the statues, watched the squirrels, and then strolled along in front of the church to Central Station.

    There we descended the LONGEST escalator seemingly possible. Down, down, down to the concourse level.

    The station itself a cathedral of transportation!!

    At that time there were no buildings to the North of Central Station across Dorchester, the street itself being a bridge.

    You then could look down and see CNR 'Grotto' where the trains entered and exited the Mount Royal Tunnel, the trains outdoors briefly.


    One day, not that long past I logged on the Internet, a marvellous window on the past, the future, the world and out to infinity and found an article on the tower's external restoration, and this made my day!

    Glad to see it done.

    A Thank You! to all that made the restoration happen from a one time little kid who thought the tower marvellous when his world was bright and new and full of wonderful things such as the Guaranteed Pure Milk Bottle.

  8. I think it's fantastic that there's another milk bottle somewhere else. Makes me sad to see what terrible shape it's in. I sure hope the can renovate it so our very own Guaranteed one has a mate.

  9. Anonymous2:43 pm

    Check out agilitynut.com/vessels/milk for a bunch of milk bottle water towers (and other uses), including the water tower on the old Klinke ice cream plant in Memphis, TN.

  10. Schooled! Well done, K!


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