Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stop l'opression de la langue franglais

Coolopolis aime parler in Frenglish whenever possible. So nous say to you: join la cause pour proteger la langue franglais. We want Sergio Momesso to devenir our porte parole parce que il talk excellent Frenglish. Signez up to notre groupe facebook tout de suite and you va aider la cause.


  1. Seth "Bride of Chimples"12:21 am

    Franglais reduces the need for actual translation. I had a French teacher who asked us to translate something into English. None of us got it. She said the answer was "quibbling over trifles."

    "Don't you always say that?" she asked.

    Uh, no.

  2. Will Chimples be giving courses to those who may want to improve their Franglais?

  3. Anonymous6:20 pm

    C'est about time mon esti. How long on va have to attendez pour our recognition comme un people distinct? Notre culture est oppressed by the majorité Quebécois. C'est le time de screamé at the haut of our poumons, que nous sommes free and libre and we'll one day be maitres chez us.

    Merci, bonne weekend

    Le Bloke Quebecois de Souche

  4. Numero Set(h)11:57 pm

    Taylor, I had to look up Souche. It's embarrassing that I can't understand all Franglais. Souche can mean Parent Tree (?) and Dunderhead. Don't get mad, blame Google Translate.

    Until I looked it up now, I didn't even know what Bon Ton meant, and it's a US store.

    Why do we order pie A la Mode? Since when is ice cream with pie In Style?

    And Foufoune means Fanny on Google, but add an S, and it's Pussy.

  5. MP and I.6:14 pm

    No wonder Canada wants to Separate from the rest of Quebec:)

    It will be done June 24th:) to keep eveyone occupied:)

  6. Chuck1:11 am

    Fun group, love the logo. Cke j'aime the most about franglais is when des Anglos lachent un gros Tabarnak or Calisse and truly feel better after! Keep it up Osti'd gang de fou.

  7. Anonymous12:34 pm

    Say this out loud - look at the link below if it doesn't make sense. Frenglish/Franglais at its best!

    Un petit d'un petit
    S'étonne aux Halles
    Un petit d'un petit
    Ah! degrés te fallent
    Indolent qui ne sort cesse
    Indolent qui ne se mène
    Qu'importe un petit d'un petit
    Tout Gai de Reguennes.

    See this (and others) - annotated, and audio files at:


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