Friday, June 04, 2010

Decarie and Sherbrooke

Sherbrooke Street over the Decarie Expressway.


  1. Anonymous7:13 am

    overpass at L'Acadie/Metropolitan?

  2. Pedestrian walkway over the Ville Marie from Champs de Mars to Old Montreal.

  3. Godsen10:15 am

    Sherbrooke Street over the Decarie expressway?

  4. Matt H.11:24 pm

    Yeah, they did that up nice a few years back. Typical complaints were raised by those (i.e. everyone I know) who tend to complain about any aesthetic improvement affected within a 10km radius of Westmount, blaming it on the conspiratorial Westmount tax schema. It is also why their snow gets cleared away first, ya know...


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