Sunday, February 13, 2011

Doug Leopold of Griffintown

   One of Montreal's most colourful fashionistos lived at this surprisingly unfashionable joint in the Eastern Griff back in the day and night.
  So.. who then?
   Answer, yes indeed we have a clever reader. It was Douglas Leopold. I know this because someone has a tribute page in his honour on facebook. It's a big ghoulish as they seem to claim to actually be him. This building was featured in a photo as the place he lived. I believe he also lived other places, including a joint in the OM but I don't know the exact years. I find it a bit of a sad place for such a bon vivant to call him.


  1. Douglas "Coco" Leopold

  2. Anonymous9:09 am

    "Colourful fashionisto" could be Coco Leoppold, but I remember he had a loft in Old Montreal ?

  3. Heard years ago that he lived somewhere around the Bonaventure Expressway, in the William/King/Queen area. Could be wrong, though.

  4. Rufus Rockhead.


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