Sunday, February 27, 2011

Drunkenness in the construction industry

   Back in the day Quebec's big problem apparently was not so much corruption in the construction industry, but rather drunkenness in the construction industry as evidenced by this photo at left showing a crew just before somebody lost a thumb.
   This ad might get you thinking that you should take a close look at the structural integrity of your cottage when you open it up at Easter.


  1. Anonymous7:13 am

    P.S. The prosecutors that resigned (or more accurately "attempted to resign") are chief prosecutors to become ordinary prosecutors again, so no go with your suggestion.

    And by the way, always fun to only have junior air traffic controllers, just few crashes, who really cares ?

  2. Anonymous2:49 pm

    Note to Chimples:
    If Mr. Coolopolis is "burning down there" he very well may have discovered a natural alternative to Viagra.
    Encourage this!

  3. Anonymous9:57 am

    Justice is like everything: you get what you pay for.

    So badly-paid prosecutors would very often be tempted to cross onto the dark side…

    I know, I have seen it happen with the son of the long-dead lawyer for a long-dead mafioso, who became a prominent government lawyer (atonement for his father’s sins), tired of being paid like a notary’s clerk, simply crossed the line and now works for those he formerly prosecuted…

    Québec prosecutors are the cheapestly paid in Canada.

    That people in Québec are not as interested in Money as people elsewhere doesn’t mean that they have to be paid a pittance.

    (And it’s fortunate that, in Québec, we are not as adamant towards punishing wrongdoers as they are in Canada)


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