Monday, March 28, 2011

Moe Nadler and his wonderful, wonderful, Wonderbra

   It's the 70th anniversary of the Wonderbra which was launched in Montreal based on technology invented by a New York designer.
   Wartime meant there was no elastic around so the New York guy cut fabric to sorta imitate it and Moe Nadler, whose company was founded in 1939, used that patent and name. 
   The New York guy went out of business but Montreal's Wonderbra folk thrived.
  Lawrence Nadler, his son, now 78, took over.
Moe Nadler
 Their Montreal office was in a third floor above a tavern at Mount Royal and St. Lawrence until the mid-60s.
   Consolidated Food Corp of Chicago took it over in 1968 but by 1973 it had 1,300 local employees on Cremazie and then moved to St. Leonard to an even bigger space, run by Alvin Segal, who was in charge in 1980.
   In the late 50s Moe took to visiting Europe to..umm.. research... new styles in bras.


  1. I wonder who the jean jacket camera guy is? Such enthusiasm!

  2. Such masterful photoshoppery I have never seen before. Kudos.

  3. We used to laugh at the Wonderbra commercials.


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