Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The other big Montreal movie fire

  Purty much everybody knows about the big movie fire that killed a ton of people here in Montreal.
   But another one killed six in January 1935 at at home at 506 Iberville, near Notre Dame where houses no longer exist.

   On the evening of January 16, 1935 some nuns asked a man to show some religious films on a projector in a second floor apartment where about 20 people watched on.
   Therese Manseau, 21, was badly burned and died in hospital two months later. The fireman who carried her down the ladder was badly injured, three others were also hurt.
   The fire was in the home of a widow named Desmarteau, 70. Three small Desmarteaus also died, aged 10, 3 and 6 as well as Madeleine Lamoureux, 10.
   Six people were killed in total by the blaze started by the projector, which quickly spread to some other reels of film sitting nearby.
   Carmen Bertz survived, it was his show. He was a licensed operator of movie projectors. His wife, 26, was burned on the face.
   They had watched some footage he had shot of his hometown of Contrecoeur. When they switched to a movie about Sister Beatrice and her miracles, which he had borrowed, along with the projector at the Lyrical Theatrical Supplies shop on Christophe Columbus, the thing caught on fire, killing the half dozen.
   You can feel blessed that our viewing technology is now considerably less flammable.

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