Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Future rock stars at Notre Dame and Papineau

   Amid the blue collar bores who show up to work at Molson Brewery to put in their early shifts at 6 am every day is an interesting and unlikely band of hipsters who appear to come from a building just to the east on Notre Dame at Papineau.
  It's the rock'n'roll capital of Montreal. That's where bands blast their practice tunes out day and night. 


  1. I believe that looks to be the former HQ of the Dominion Rubber Company, later Uniroyal Canada.
    As their francophone workforce at the plant in Joliette would call it, the "Dominion ROBBER Company".
    Their slogan was "Time to Re-Tire".

  2. Anonymous8:19 pm

    Indeed this is a rock-pig rehearsal palace. Peabody and friends rented a space here in the early 90s. Pretty bizarre place with a very high incidence of mullets.


  3. Anonymous8:20 pm

    Used to riff on Van Morrison's Domino, but changed it to Papineau.


  4. Anonymous11:33 pm

    There are a group of English-speaking punks who live on Ste Catherine and Iberville.

  5. Anonymous4:27 pm

    You might not have the best blog in Montreal, but you definitely have the bitchiest. I love it.

  6. Thx Anon. But when I said I liked that couple, I was being entirely earnest. She's a hottie and he's got some pretty awesome mutton chops. I'd say their looks work for me. The guy in the dress, not so much.


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