Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Reclassify The Silver Dragon Cafe's sign as a heritage monument

   The Silver Dragon Cafe is the first thing you see when you enter Cote St. Paul and it's the best thing you're going to see there as well. 
   It was recently featured in the new Jay Baruchel film Good Neighbours and is for sale. 
   Well, it always seems to be for sale, but this time might be the one. The neon sign has not worked for years but they have not replaced it, probably because the city is so strict with signage, they force owners to put in ridiculously expensive signs, that businesses end up just keeping the ones they have, even though they're falling apart. Of all the signs at risk of extinction in Montreal this one is surely right up there now and it's time to step in and save it, as they do such signs in Vancouver.


  1. Anonymous9:51 pm

    Why don't you buy it? It would provide a never-ending supply of stories to write about; "Live from the Silver Dragon Café"

  2. Anonymous2:13 pm

    As a kid back in the 50's I thought this was a real classy The times they are a-changing.

    Thanks for the memories and for posting that pic, I have been away from Montreal since the 70's.

  3. The food there actually is pretty good, and reasonably priced. Strange little guy at the cash, and it is straight out of 1947, with toothless tattooed patrons at other tables...but if you can get past that, the egg rolls, chicken soo guy, fried race, coke...all for about $7...couldn't beat it.

  4. Anonymous4:52 am

    I actually worked there on the 60's and before that it was our official meeting place - every night. Takes me back to better times.


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