Monday, June 27, 2011

Suddenly there's free land on the island

   New announcement has it that Shell will be allowed to dismantle its refineries to do what it likes with the land. If they can get get it decontaminated, the entire island suddenly has a ton of room, more space to hunt foxes, play hacky sack or build churches.
   The smart money is on countless condos and the taxes they bring in. Maybe towns like Flashwood and Mazcouche will be over now that country living can be had in the city. Your suggestions for branding concepts belong in the comments box below.. get yer Dan Draper on!


  1. Anonymous5:51 pm

    Sure call it Petrotown. Or Gasville. Or Ville D'Essence.


  2. M P and I.1:09 am

    They will have to be careful.

    In Calgary there was a subdivision built on the site of an old refinery, and contaminants oozed up thru the soil.

    The oil company bought back the houses, but the contaminants are still below.

    Check it out On Line.

    More names for the subdivision might include Nonoxia, Put a Tiger in your Basement and so on.

    The best solution might be to clear the land of debris and let it go back to nature, but, as was mentioned, the slum lords will built high-density housing which will add more burden to the infrastructure of water, sewer, electrical and roads.

    Build a Slum, and they will come.

    There might not be enough jobs for all the people? Then what?

    Thank You.

  3. Besides the refinery and storage tanks, in that tract of land there are the old Demix and Francon quarries, other properties presently or formerly belonging to Petro-Canada, Ultramar, Bitumar, Sulconam, Noranda, Wolverine, etc., not to mention Brault & Martineau's warehouse on Place Marien.

    So, why not call this new potential "borough", Brault & Martineauville? :-)

    And (I cannot resist) while I'm on the subject of crazy place names, I notice that Boucherville finally realizes how dumbly redundant it used to officially called itself as "Ville de Boucherville (Town of Butchertown)!

    "Borough of Roxboro" anyone?

  4. the kids need a place to drag race. Hence Montreal Dragway. no more boring drives to napierville or st. pie.


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