Friday, July 01, 2011

Drunk driver busted after hit and run and fight with cops

Drunk driver taken away in an ambulance
   In November 2003 Glyn Clarke went to buy bagels. Apparently he was a cheapskate because he was buying 'em at the POM day-old store on Notre Dame in the Hank. He saw some smoke and noticed that a fire was burning across the street. He happened to have a digital camera, took a few snaps of a couple of roofers that burned to death in a fire. He noticed that firefighters weren't doing much to help 'em, and one even callously suggested "he's a goner," when looking up. And so yeah two guys died and Clarke was criticized but he sold his photo of the sad event to the Gazette and was nominated for a photography award even though he's not a photographer by trade. I would suspect that nowadays he would have just posted it online on FB or something.  
   That's one of the reasons I try to bring my camera with me at all times (almost!). It's not just so I can post gratuitous photos of hot random babes
   So today I noticed an ambulance on Dorch and Pap and took a few photosnaps. Nonetheless I got a few shots and a shaky vid of police hauling him into an ambulance. 
   The guy was a drunk driver and had smashed a car and then fought with police, which cops later confirmed. 


  1. Anonymous9:55 pm

    ...Until the cops kick your ass around the street for trying to take photos of them at work. They don't seem to like pics, and will threaten citizens who try to take them.

    Yes, I have tried.

  2. cops-are-idiots-too3:03 pm

    I saw a cop car not moving once traffic was moving on a green light then I saw him look up and stat moving and then his head went down again as he was driving through the intersection while he was reading texts on on his idiotphone.

    But, no camera with me that day.

  3. Photography is not a crime. The lame-ass excuse used often by those who disagree is "all the terrorism nowadays" and " you know what happened on 9/11, right?"

    Photography is not a crime.

  4. If all of this "don't take my picture!" paranoia keeps up, everyone will eventually resort to using hidden cameras to keep from being threatened or prosecuted.

    God help you if you dare to take photos of your kids in the playground!


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