Monday, October 03, 2011

Drama, what drama!

  Centaur play Schwartz's: The Musical was recently all set to get a lavish run in Toronto (minus some of the anti-Toronto slams) but then the would-be producers noticed a Globe and Mail review written by Matthew Hayes slamming the play in a rather exaggerated way and they cited this as a reason for not picking it up after all.
   So a theatre review can actually determine careers and livelihoods. I saw the play Cantate de guerre at the Theatre d'Aujourdhui last week and have to say it's not a ton'o'fun. It's a relentless poem about the evils of war, with words spoken by one actor Paul Ahmarani, who plays a sadistic warrior whose humanity was taken away when his family was brutally murdered.
  I have seen Ahmarani in at least three plays and I appreciate but don't love his work. Six other actors speak as a sort of chorus and while the stage is nicely presented and the entire crew came out for a special talk back session explaining their approach to the art, I can't say that I'd say you should rush to the theatre for this one.


  1. And then there was the famous Gaetan Charlebois moment when he stood up near the end of a play and just started ranting that it was shit.

  2. I saw a retired Maurice Podbrey do something, well, not really similar but kinda in that vein a few years ago. There was a play at the MAI that received significant funding but it wasn't even a play, it was just a bunch of actors riffing on any old thing to provoke an improv discussion with the audience. And so they just sorta mumbled some stuff, one played a sax for a few seconds and then they were soliciting all sorts of comments from those in attendance. Some inarticulate shlump in the crowd got up and babbled some half-baked anti-car nonsense. So Podbrey waited for his turn and, surrounded by his table of giggling young females, said loudly, "This is not a play. This is not drama, I didn't come to talk about motor cars, I came to see a play!"


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