Saturday, October 29, 2011

Montreal's fruit fly police


  This shocking photo at left portrays something that occurs with great frequency in Montreal bars: a fruit fly is getting loaded on sweet liqueur at a bar.
   At least once a year all bars are supposed to be inspected by police officers. One of the things they look for is the presence of fruit flies in booze. Those little nasties are so small that they can fly down the tiny slot in the bar pouring mechanism. It happens all over the place at such joints as 3 Brasseurs, St. Hubert and Alpenhaus.
   If bugs are found, the bar gets a warning but if they are found again, the bar goes to the liquor board and could have its license suspended or even shut down. It happens quite often as you can see by clicking here. The cops sometimes even count the number of fruit flies that died a happy death by drowning in sweet booze. Unlike most fruit flies who live and die in anonymity, these bugs achieve a modicum of fame, being written up in the Quebec provincial bureaucratic reports.
  The reference to insects in bottles reported in those inspections is rather vague but an official from the RACJQ told me today that they are not referring to cockroaches, houseflies, earwigs or bedbugs. They are always referring specifically to fruit flies. Of course we know that fruit flies can nest in your intestines and cause your body to explode like that movie Alien... either that or they're harmless and possibly even a solid form of protein... trying to remember which one exactly.


  1. Anonymous11:39 am

    A good trick is a mixture of dish detergent and apple cider vinegar in a glass. They fly in and sink to the bottom. (Talking about the flies here.) For them, the pungent cider is an Arrivederci aroma...pun intended.


  2. Anonymous9:03 am

    I'm more aggressive. Load a spray bottle with soapy water and hunt those suckers down.
    Once they fall, wipe 'em up and thrown 'em in the trash.


  3. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Another reason why I've renewed my Coolopolis subscription. Helpful home hints.



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