Friday, October 14, 2011

Montreal's Top 10 gangland murders: # 7 The Demaisonneuve bombing


 Paul April became the underworld's most-wanted man after shooting West End Gang leader Dunie Ryan dead in November 1984 at Nittolo's Motel on St. James. April was a coked-out lunatic who ran a loan sharking muscle operation in the 1960s and spent most of the 1970s in prison after a Drummondville smash and grab bank heist that left a cop disabled. 
   April bragged about the killing and deemed himself the king of the mobsters but that only lasted a few days as Ryan's sidekick Alan Ross hired Yves Apache Trudeau, a prolific killer and noted bombsmith who learned his trade on a federal job training program. 
Yves "Apache" Trudeau
  Trudeau was accompanied by Michel Blass (brother of the famous criminal Richard Blass) to deliver a VCR to Paul April at an apartment on the ninth floor of a highrise at 1645 de Maisonneuve.  Trudeau promised April that the VCR contained a cool VHS cassette about bikers. 
   The VCR contained a bomb that blew apart everything in the apartment unit at 4:10 a.m. on November 24, 1984, killing Paul April, 42, Robert Lelievre, 63, as well as Gilles Paquette, 27 and Louis Charles, 54. Cops initiatally believed that the men died making their own bomb until informant Larry Schlaer set them straight.

The rest of the top 10 
1  -  2 -  - 4 - 5 - 6 -  - 8 - 9 - 10


  1. I've gone almost fully nuts trying to figure it out, but I distinctly remember seeing a bit of a movie a while ago that featured Michael Ironside as its protagonist, a member of an Irish mob with biker connections.

    This exact story was used in the film. Lots of great shots of Montreal in the flick, and if I'm not mistaken a scene at the Montreal Pool Room as well.

    Any idea what flick it was?

    Couldn't have been made later than 1988 because some buildings are missing from downtown, such as 1000 de la Gauchetiere. Another scene took place in Dorchester Square.

    Any notions?

  2. Oh, this again?

    That movie was called And Then You Die. Written by Wayne Grigsby, with Dan Burke and Kevin McGarr as script advisors (McGarr's co-operation probably the reason that the McGarr character was so heroic).

    Michael Ironside was not in that movie though. He was, however, in a slew of other Montreal-shot movies from that period, notably some produced by Tom Berry.

  3. Wayne Grigsby, commuting in from Senneville on the 211 bus, with his suit hung from the standee bars, blocking the driver's view, and always being told to take it down...and Kevin McGarr, now making our lives miserable at CATSA (with former Montreal CBC cutie Ana-Karina Tabunar his mouthpiece).

  4. Does the guy who played McGarr bear a passing resemblance to Ironside in any way?


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