Friday, November 11, 2011

Claudio Di Giambattista, incompetence in landlording

   Land Claudio Di Giambattista  has consistently proven unwilling to repair apartments when they fall into disrepair. Yesterday the city ordered tenants at his Stuart Ave. building evicted due to the fact that they had become unliveable. He explained to Maya Johnson on camera that he did not do the repairs because tenants were not paying rent.
   And in a sense he is right. Many tenants at his building appear to have simply stopped paying, however he himself is to blame. He has taken nine tenants to the rental board this year and missed every single one of the four dates that he had been given. When this happens the attempt to recoup unpaid rent is simply put aside.
   Now, it seems that the if the tenants are living for free they might have kept their good thing going by simply trying to undertake to do the repairs on their own without blowing the whistle. As for the landlord himself, I wonder if he has ever been considered for public curatorship as he apparently has had difficult managing his affairs for many years now.


  1. This miserable cretin is arguably Montreal's worst slumlord. I cringe and curse whenever I see this clown ranting on the TV news and yet he goes on year after year, seemingly with impunity. When will it end? One can only wonder how he became wealthy enough to acquire properties in the first place, but there is an old saying that "all the wrong people have money".

    You would think by now that prospective tenants would avoid renting from him, or at least be warned away by the social services of newly-arrived immigrants before they end up being victimized.

    Several years ago in New York City, a notorious slumlord was required by court order to live in one his hovels as punishment for continually failing in his responsibilities.

    Unfortunately there is no "School for Landlords" whereby prospective owners are required to pass an examination in order to qualify.

  2. First: the first word should be 'landlord' and not just 'land'.

    Second, can this asshole not be kidnapped, stripped nekkid and left in the woods, ideally blindfolded?

    And I don't mean the Mountain, I mean Bromont, or Orford, or Mont-St-Hillaire.

    Them kinds of woods.

    Believe me, this would send a very effective message.

  3. The man in action:


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