Monday, November 14, 2011

Two young men murdered in St. Henri

Matt Garner
   Dreadful, awful, terrible story about this 29-year-old concert promoter Matt Garner who was burnt alive alongside his friend, ski instructor Einick Gitelman, 28, in an apartment in St. Henri on St. Remi, on the east side, a few doors up from Notre Dame late Friday afternoon Nov. 11, 2011.
   This is certainly among the most disturbing local crimes in recent memory.
Einick Gitelman in costume
  It was initially reported that up to five people were seen fleeing Garner's apartment but police later reported that witnesses were not found.
   Garner was an outgoing and well-known concert promoter.
   Gitelman died after escaping when the blaze burnt the rope that was tying him to the chair. He ran down the stairs but died in a spot near his front door.
   Garner's longtime childhood friend from their days in Hudson, musician Bad News Brown was beaten and shot dead in 2010 in a crime that will likely never be solved.
   Hopefully there is some information that will lead to arrests.
   My theory is that the assailants had meant to terrorize the two by dousing them with gasoline and threatening to light them. That method was employed in England in the 60s, notably by the Krays. The tactic that had been shown on Canadian TV in re-enactments, possibly seen by the killer.
   I would imagine that the attackers did not intend to actually light these two on fire, however as human immolation would be beyond the pale of even the most hardened psychopath.
   My notion was that an informant present at the scene would have come forward, but apparently that hasn't happened in the two years since.
   By the way, Coolopolis has heard endless theories connecting the crime with certain drug dealing affairs, but without stronger evidence and out of respect for their families and many friends, who seem like good folks on both sides, we won't go on record with them.


  1. Anonymous12:18 pm

    Burnt alive for 15,000. Talk about overkill. Hip Hop and the associated gangstaism is a plague on todays youth.

  2. Probably it was due to the money being owed, and those guys were 'sending a warning'...but to do that kind of horror? beat them up ok, guys do that....but they could have burned up the whole building and other people could have died. My guess, the killers were stupid young punks in their teens or early 20s, who probably don't even think about shit like that.

  3. I'm sure whoever did it were just a couple of unfortunate misled youths. These fine gentlemen will deserve a second chance after doing a year or two in jail. They will likely deserve 4th, 5th and 10th chances as well.

    Canadian justice doesn't care how many innocent people have to die in it's tireless efforts to provide a good life for violent criminals.

  4. Anonymous10:13 pm

    Maybe our government should reconsider while accepting criminals as immigrants under human rights
