Saturday, October 27, 2012

Adam Bemma, Montreal's videotaping maniac, has left town

One Montreal videographer who has rapidly made an impressive series of over 100 videos of various people criticizing, complaining, bemoaning and bitching about stuff here, has left town.
  Adam Bemma, in his own free time and on his own nickel, has taped, produced and posted an incredible  100+ videos onto YouTube, all newsy-Montreal stuff.
  Lemme tell youze, that's a helluva lot of work!
    Bemma has also long hosted a radio show on CKUT but his much-overlooked archive of video stuff is an impressive online resource for a lot of serious local issues. Most of 'em don't many views, alas, probably because the videos on the side, showing girls singing into hairbrushes and boys leaping off of skateboards attract eyes elsewhere.
   But yeah one day I betcha you might find his stuff quite useful, perhaps you'll  be interested in watching a woman complaining about her experience at a sports bar on Ste. Catherine, homeless complaining about their homeless stuff, a bookstore guy complaining (although surely in a literary way) and people complaining about gentrification, in one of the slickest Montreal vids I've seen. He's got loads of others too.
   Anyway, hats off to Adam Bemma, who sadly, left the city today to move to Accra, Ghana to work in radio there.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:07 pm

    Our loss. Thanks for all the great videos dude.


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