Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No parking on school days

   Always wondered how a "no parking on school days" rule works.
   Are motorists expected to know whether any given day is a school day or not?
  We presume that school starts sometime in September and ends in June, but what about ped days, half-days, school outings?
  What about summer school? Are we meant to know about that too?


  1. I always think it's Mon-Fri from Sept. 1 to June 23.

  2. I've gotten burned because of that - I live beside a school in NDG and you can't park in front of my building on a school day (however defined), and around Christmas a year ago, I parked in front when most schools were out... but not the one I was beside. Got a nice ticket.

  3. I know someone who used to stick a Montreal Police Department business card (not an official ID)on the inside of his windshield whenever he parked in a "questionable" spot.

    Granted, that trick didn't always work, but it may bave been because the ticketer wasn't looking too closely.

    Another trick (and you never heard it from me!), is to slide a green plastic garbage bag over the fire hydrant you intend to park next to, and retrieve it later before you drive off.

  4. Anonymous9:55 pm

    Always glad to see that your sense of social priorities is right up there!

  5. School days are the least of it. I have seen poles with six feet of various parking signs on them. You need a lawyer with you to detemine when you can park there. At one location near the Atwater Market, after taking all the signs into account the only times left when it would be legal to park was something weird like 9-11PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays between March and November.


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