Sunday, May 25, 2014

Suzanne down by the river... but where exactly was it?

   Some entrepreneur could make a few bucks by making a tourist attraction from the apartment made famous by the song Suzanne by Leonard Cohen.
   The song references a multitude of local scenes, including the St. Lawrence River and the Our Lady of the Harbour Statue near the Bonsecours Market, near Common St. and of the "heroes in the seaweed" who are undoubtedly down there too.
   Those who visit could re-enact the famous poetry that ensued from Cohen's platonically dropping in on Suzanne Verdal, then wife, or perhaps estrange-wife and dance partner of sculptor Armand Vaillancourt.
   I dropped in on Vaillancourt's home a few years back and asked him about where exactly the apartment was but didn't get a precise answer.
   One local hotel called the Auberge de la Place Royale will rent you room 202, that they claim was the 500-square foot spot that the encounter took place in.
  The joint is adjacent to the Helios Cafe, which was supposedly the notorious spot where James Earl Ray was encountered by his mysterious guide in the quest to kill Martin Luther King a couple of years later.
   I'll have to see proof before I'm convinced however.
   And even if it's the real spot, what we need is an actress, a hologram, or a robotic Suzanne bringing you tea and oranges all the way from China.
   Cuz supplying your Suzanne might be a bit of work. I don't want to scour the Salvation Army to find a new-gen Suzanne. 


  1. I read somewhere that it was an apartment in a building that is now one of those boutique hotels on St-James....

  2. I'm only offering information I obtained most casually while discussing Leonard Cohen with an acquaintance who apparently knew the celebrity quite well. Amongst many other things, he spoke about the apartment as being at the extreme southern end of Visitation street. This information was not relevant at the time and mattered not in the least to me, but strangely I remembered it, simply because my grandparents lived in a house on Visitation near St. Catherine.

  3. I'm sure you could probably just ask Leonard himself.Either through a website , or when he comes to Montreal (which I understand is often enough)He seems approachable enough. You know l;ike most older Montrealer's with a no BS attitude.
    Give it a try.........however keep in mind most people who even know that song are checking off the planet a fair clip, so a booming business (maybe not) Cheers LesF


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