Sunday, October 19, 2014

How a street argument in St. Laurent snowballed into tragedy

Magalie Joachim, 18, killed
 What started out - and should have ended - as an innocuous street bravado conflict on a summer night in St. Laurent ended up leading to two deaths and much more collateral damage.
 The story begins when Philip Bird, a 22-year-old from Pierrefonds, met a woman named Heidi Koula at a park and offered to drive her back to her home in St. Laurent at about midnight on August 12, 1985.
Du College metro
    Not far from their destination, Bird stopped his 1976 Pontiac Parisienne at a red light outside of the metro station at Decarie and Du College.
   Many people were outside at the corner that night, including a bunch waiting for the 118 bus.
   Carl White, a former boxer, stepped to the car to chat with Koula, who he knew.
   Their little chat left Bird - who had consumed six beers and smoked hashish - irritated and he got out of his car to confront Wright and a crowd of mostly young black males.
  "I can take that girl away from you," Wright told Bird.
   "Fuck you boy," replied Bird, a phrase which carried a racist overtone.
   Shawn Rogers intervened to advise Bird to get back in his car.
   But then White tossed a plank from a nearby construction area at Bird's car.
   Rocks and a steel bar were also apparently tossed at his car.
Wendell Small, 21, killed
   Humans, as we know, don't much enjoy having their car attacked and Bird was no exception.
   He drove off but veered around to take a U-turn to return to the scene.
    Koula, still in the car, asked to get out but Bird ignored the request, so she helplessly covered her eyes as he accelerated towards the crowd.
   Bird's idea was to scare the people who had taunted him and attacked his car by slamming on his brakes just in time to avoid calamity.
   As we have seen elsewhere in this city, speeding towards somebody and stopping just before impact is a lousy idea idea that can easily lead to tragedy.
   Before he came close, one man entered the road wielding a sign he had picked up and was ready to toss, as if expecting Bird to come around. The man dashed out of the car's path when he saw it speeding towards him.
   Bird's lawyer later claimed that the car failed to stop because it skidded over the assorted debris that the young men had tossed at his car.
   Bird drove straight into the crowd, killing Magalie Joachim, 18, and Wendell Small, 21.
  Sophia Brown, 7, and Mandy Menshick, 14, were seriously injured as well.
Philip Bird
   Joachim was not at all involved in the dispute and was only there because she had driven to the metro to drop friends off after watching a fireworks display.
   Small had been at a nearby restaurant with his younger brother and he left to go out side in order to talk to a girl.
   Bird came out and expressed shock at the result of his recklessness.
    Witnesses Christine Vibert, Alphonsus Linthorne, Gisele Gagne and Shawn Rogers were among the many people who saw the awful event up close.
   The two bodies remained pinned under the vehicles for three hours after the incident.
   Bird was brought to prison and was originally to be charged with first degree murder but a jury reduced that to manslaughter and criminal negligence. He was sentenced to 7 1/2 years but even that was further reduced.
   The story does not end there, however. 
   Sean Small, 19, was also on the scene and saw his brother killed.
  He was so shocked that he was unable to speak to utter a word to his mother Margery Marshall to recount that his brother had been killed.
   Sean's life did not go well after that incident.
   Justice Dionysia Zerbisias later called Small a hardened unrepentant and violent criminal.
   Almost exactly 13 years after his brother was killed, Sean Small was walking in NDG with his new girlfriend Tina Diaz on August 22, 1998.
Koulas, seen in a recent photo, was trapped in the car 
   They had been arguing loudly inside the Stripes bar on St. James St. W and continued their bickering in the street walking home.
   Police asked them about their dispute but then allowed them to continue to their home on Beaconsfield.
   Once inside Sean Small, by now 32, jabbed Diaz, 18, in the chest with a sharp object.
   He brought her to St. Mary's Hospital in a taxi at 4:30 a.m. and left.
   She died 10 hours later, as surgery to repair the perforation in her heart failed.
   She refused, or was unable, to report what had happened.
   On January 3, 1999 Sean Small was sentenced to life in prison for murder with a minimum jail time of no less than 10 years in prison, so there's a good chance that he is out of prison now.
    The only glimpse of goodness that came out of this series of disasters? A charitable foundation to help Haiti was later launched in the memory of Magalie Joachim


  1. I remember this incident shown on the TV news which indicated that the people involved were waiting for the westbound 118 bus at its stop on the northeast corner of Du College and Decarie. See the Google Map link below:,-73.6749721,3a,75y,20.23h,93.3t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sDzPeD7QYu_XJYw1LgIAJpg!2e0

    Bird and Koula were apparently driving westbound on Du College toward that same corner. Bird came to a stop at the red light when someone standing at the bus stop recognized Koula and--according to his own court testimony--taunted Bird in front of her, saying something like, "You need a man to drive you home, not a boy.", or something similar.

    This, of course, incensed Bird who got out of the car to confront the person but then got back in when the traffic light turned green.

    As far as I can reconstruct what occurred next, Bird then floored the gas pedal, sped across Decarie, made a quick, spinning u-turn, and then drove straight into the crowd at the bus stop, presumably to hit the taunting man and others who had joined in the name-calling and debris-tossing--many of whom had possibly been drinking earlier and therefore in a less-inhibited, rowdy state of mind at the time.

    I wonder whatever became of Bird and how Koula dealt with the aftermath?

    * * *

    Another local crime which I recently stumbled across was the heinous murder of nine-year-old Johnny Benson on Mount Royal in February 1945--just months before the end of World War II--and how dedicated police work trapped his killer.

    For all of the lurid details, type "boy murdered on Mount Royal" into Google.

  2. That's the narrative as explained in the newspaper reporting from the trial but there's more emphasis on the guys tossing junk at his car. Guys would rather you touch their girlfriend than their car. So that's likely what really set him off big time.

    My interest in the story came from the notion that the traumatized younger brother later went nuts and killed somebody (although he was probably no saint at the time of this incident either).

    I'd love to see a photo of him and his victim Diaz.

  3. First of all.... I'm disgusted that you know so little about the facts of the case, yet decided to comment on it,with all these holes, further confusing the story.

    I can tell you for a FACT that Wendell small was an artist and a GOOD man. He didn't deserve to die. Philip Bird got off in like 5 years for murdering him, and a passenger). He was ALREADY drunk when he got in the car with the young lady. And its chalked up to "he couldn't stop the vehicle because of debris that the bad black kids shot at his car". Why don't you ask why the hell he was driving drunk and speeding towards a bus stop full of humans in the first place, instead of re-iterating about why he couldn't stop the car?
    Stop with the b.s. Philip wanted to hurt someone and he DID. He killed my Wendell, traumatized a brother and unearthed a whole family who buried their feelings about this tragedy.

    They were immigrants from Trinidad and moving here is already one shock. To then have a family member.... A son, brother, uncle, and friend murdered by some white guy who got off almost free for taking 2 lives is unfathomable.... You don't get to speculate on how they should have turned out after this incident. White privilege at its finest.
    Sean Small was NOT a troublemaker his whole life.... He was and is a lover of his family and had a hard life but still a good heart. But he watched his older brother/best friend murdered.

    Then watched the justice system favor on the side of the murderer (who got less time than some black men do for marijuana possession) and you don't think you would go crazy? The last image of your sibling is their legs pinned out from under a car for 3 hours?
    Some of the family members couldn't speak or go to funerals after this because of the trauma.
    And you.... To have a nerve to say your " interest in the story came from the NOTION that the traumatized younger brother went crazy and killed someone. (Although he was probably no saint at the time)".
    Really???!!! So its a "notion" that he went crazy?? He is HUMAN okay?

    Do you know misinformation can further ruin families and how others perceive them? Did you even thoroughly read the articles previously before you went after a family??? Are you aware other articles are saying Wendell was the one talking to a woman and her boyfriend/some guy came and tried to hit both of them? Which is it and we is it so easy to spread misinformation about a deceased man?

    Are you aware articles already confirmed Sean Small was arguing with another man, per eyewitnesses... And Tina jumped in trying to stop the fight. He went straight to his family after he left the hospital and they got him to turn himself in.

    You are a really sh*tty person for not even TRYING to get EITHER story correct and acting like others aren't affected when you post half-assed, incorrect information about others because you're "interested".

    Wendell Small, my uncle, didn't deserve to die and you do not have a right to bring up his story, without even checking the information. He didn't even make it past 21 and this is 32 years ago. I'm 30...... 3 decades later I ask.... If you don't genuinely care about the truth, please let him rest in peace and leave your mouth and fingers free of his name.

    My uncle Sean did have a hard life afterwards, which I do not justify, but I do understand. He was never quite stable after the incident... & you don't get to demonize him for blogger views.. alright?

    Until you know what anyone in MY family has gone through, you really oughta keep quiet.

    Thanks, from all of us.

    Sherena Reid-Small

    1. Do you know what happened to Philip Bird?

  4. Omg and you have to approve the posts???? So you approved Annie's comments spreading shit about my family and 84 year old grandmother??? What is WRONG with you man?

    Approve it or don't. Karma is a bitch though and you don't come for the dead or their family like that.

    Good day.

  5. Thanks for your input Sherena. The point of this article is to shed light on the awful thing that the driver did. I'd love to get more input to tell the story more in depth. If you can give me some quotes I'll add them. A photo would be good as well. Send to Thanks!

  6. Wendell Small, whom we called Stevie was like a big brother to me. He was also godfather to my then 8 month old daughter. He and Sean were soft spoken, very funny, loved music and were all about family. I think and speak about them often to my now 34 yr old daughter.

    1. Thank you so much for speaking well of my uncles! I'm glad you have such fond memories of them.

    2. Does anyone know what happened to Philip Bird?

  7. Sherena, are you serious? I get that you want to defend your family but he killed my best friend!! Sean was an abusive man and would beat my friend Tina all the time. He wouldn’t allow her to hang out with friends or barely talk on the phone. He was incredibly controlling and abusive and this was a classic domestic violence case and we know where you stand...smh. That night, he stabbed her and she became faint and took her to the hospital in a taxi when she started passing out from the internal bleeding. She died there. I’ll never forget that night and I’ll never have my best friend again.

    1. Hey rose, Tina was my aunt, she was beautiful, I only heard bad things from her sister and brothers

    2. hey rose, im Tinas nephew, she was beautiful and everything youve said about Sean Small ive heard before. sorry youve lost your freind, i never got to meet her.

    3. Hey Rose, makes me happy to hear how close you two were. Tina was my aunt, or would have been, i never got to meet her, but her photos are beautiful and the things youve said about Sean, I've heard all before. hope you're well :)

  8. I’m Tinas nephew, she was gorgeous, and to be clear I’ve only heard terrible things about Sean, and all that rose said I’ve heard before as well. She was beautiful, sad I never got to meet her


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