Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What a deal! Two cell phones for just $5,000! do you like our prices?
  In 1988 a cell phone you connect into your car cost $1,400 at Radio Shack here in Montreal.
   The same store sold the Michael Douglas Wall Street brick portable version for $2,500.
   To put that into perspective, at around the same time you could rent a small, heated apartment in the West Island for $230-month all included.
   $4,900 in 1988 is equivalent to about $9,900 in today's currency.

1 comment:

  1. Mass consumer technology prices always come down over time.

    Colour TVs were originally beyond the reach of the average citizen, as was the cost of early pocket calculators, VCRs, personal and office computers, etc.

    One thing I AM concerned about is the sudden, apparently easy availability of aerial drones with aerial mini-cameras and various other functions.

    Who wants to bet that the next outrageous news story will be about a murder or a bombing carried out by some lunatic or terrorist group who purchased such a device?

    Watch for it!


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