Sunday, November 09, 2014

Longtime heavy metal bar manager killed in Lachine

  Sad news about Louis Adams, a well-respected former nightclub manager who was killed outside a home in Lachine Friday night at 9 p.m. at 2757 Thessereault (he can be seen outside the home on that Street View link).
   Adams, 49, was the father of three young children, including one born one month ago.
   Louie - as his name was pronounced - was stabbed to death after fighting a trio of assailants who barged into a home looking for drugs.
   Adams was best known as the manager for the now-defunct Backstreet Club, a spacious heavy-metal joint on Mayor near Bleury.
   He was there for the club's glory days when groups like Ice-T (in his metal phase) and Cannibal Corpse performed before the club closed in 1997.
  He was not, as some thought, of African heritage, rather he was mixed-black and East Indian from St. Vincent, although he was raised in Montreal and was part of Lachine High's Class of 1982.
   He was also a proud and loving father, according to all.
   Adams was out for drinks at a local bar and his friends urged him to stick around but he chose instead to leave to go home at around 8:30 p.m. Friday.
   Had he stayed his tragic fate might have been altered but it's impossible to say.
Google Street view snapped him here
   Adams had previous arrests for weed but had not committed any violent crimes, as far as anybody knows.
   Police have not made any arrests but they will likely be on the hunt for three English-speaking guys who were responsible for the fatal knife attack.
   The attackers were two tall, thin black guys and one man who appeared to be East Indian or Arab, all wearing masks, all aged between 20-35.
   Adams came to the scene after an associate phoned him asking for help dealing with the three attackers who were traveling in a purple Dodge. They came to raid the second-storey grow-op, robbing over $1,000 in cash and demanding a cocaine stash.
   Adams arrived and fought the assailants and was stabbed in the back.
   He tried to crawl to his home nearby but died of his wounds.
   "He was a very nice man and friend. And he was always happy even when stuff was going bad for him but there's a lot of stuff that a lot of people don't know about him," said one of his pals.
   Another noted that - surely unrelated  - Louis was always vocal in his sense that fellow portly doorman Le Gros Michel of Foufounes Electriques glory, did not die a natural death in 1991.


  1. i grew up in that neighborhood, i used to see him around.

  2. Louis was loved by all at the Backstreet. I lived and worked with him for years. He was my friend, partner, and great man. He will be dearly missed by all. RIP my brother Lou.
    James Shaffer, Sound Engineer, the Backstreet, 1988-1993

  3. Gros Michel, of the Foufounes Électriques...his heart gave out. He abused, but his heart gave out. He was also my friend.

  4. You have many inaccuracies but i'll only point out 2 due to the on going investigation.
    1. " He was not, as some thought, of African heritage, rather he was East Indian from Trinidad." WRONG!
    He was of mixed race (Black and East Indian) and his family are from St. Vincent, NOT Trinidad.

    2. "Adams had previous arrests for weed". WRONG
    He NEVER had any weed related arrests.

    Now why in the world would you post the following:?
    "but there's a lot of stuff that a lot of people don't know about him," said one of his pals.
    Another noted that - surely unrelated - Louis was always vocal in his sense that fellow portly doorman Le Gros Michel of Foufounes Electriques glory, did not die a natural death in 1991."

    Looks like you are clearly trying to cast a dubious shadow over Louis when you write this nonsense. This is completely irrelevant to the story at hand. Are u so anxious to be picked up and published by the big media outlets that you have to sensationalize this tragic event?

    A good man that was loved by many was senselessly murdered while trying to save his neighbour from an armed assault. Louis was a hero and you choose to write this inaccurate trash that his eldest son (who is over 10yrs old) will read. Good job in further hurting the heart of a kid who's heart is already broken over his dad's death.

    1. Louis was a great man and father I knew him for years and I could not say anything bad about him he was there for me when even my own family wasn't. Nobody deserves more respect then he does god bless u Louis RIP love always (micky)

  5. Thank you --- Thank You --- Thank you mistermanndrake !!! Thank you for defending Louis. I met him when we were both 16 or 17. We both went on to work in the bar industry but different clubs. I have literally met thousands of people, none of whom can equal Louis' integrity. It does not surprise me that he gave his life to protect another. He will be greatly missed. I do not know if there is a heaven. But if there is, I assure you he is now an Angle. I don't think I have met a more giving or kinder soul.

  6. WOW am shocked he is gone.....I worked with him at Canpar back in 1989-1990.
    We had a lot of fun...
    I bet he was setup from what it looks like..I mean why would his friend call and say he was being attacked by 3 guys other than being setup....should have called the cops...better to be in jail than dead......

  7. I agree with you paul!

    1. I miss u so much Lou I've been so broken since. And I believe it was a set up and I jus pray they get caught!!!

  8. Lou was like a brother to me, I knew his whole family and was close to them, my heart goes out to his family and his brother Carlos who was like a father to me. I will always remember loud laugh it was unique and anyone who heard it knew it was him, love u Lou, your brother steve


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