Thursday, December 18, 2014

Montreal bus driver demands envelope laden with cash

  A female hospital worker hopped off the 161 bus yesterday at Kildare and Caldwell in Cote St. Luc, not far from the Cavendish mall, only to discover an envelope stuffed with cash in the snow.
  As she peered inside the envelope she heard a loud male voice ordering her to hand it over.
  She looked up and who was demanding the envelope full of cash?
  The bus driver.
  The driver had seen the woman swoop up the package and so he aggressively insisted that she hand it over.
   Perhaps in a daze or thinking it was the honest thing to do, she complied.
   That nurse was later kicking herself wondering if it was the right thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. In his defence, the bus driver was just acting like a cop.


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