Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ste. Catherine was a dead-end in Westmount until 1959

   Yes we have some brilliant answers, as always.
  At the end of September 1959 this stretch of St. Catherine west of Victoria in Westmount was opened up as a roadway for the first time as indicated in this article


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We are looking west along St. Catherine from Victoria in Westmount. St. Catherine was extended west around the curve to join Claremont and De Maisonneuve (Western at the time).

  3. This is the corner of St. Catherine West and Victoria, looking west along the extension of St. Catherine which turns north into Claremont.

    St. Catherine once ended here and a tramways loop turned south (left out of frame) by Westmount station. There are four old houses built by the CPR on the south side of St. Catherine partially visible on the left. Before c. 1958 when St. Catherine was extended to Claremont those houses were on a quiet (except for the trains) cul-de-sac at the foot of Prince Albert Ave. The stretch of St. Catherine they share today was called Prince Albert Place and was only accessible from Prince Albert avenue.

  4. According to the Gazette article of January 30, 1959, page 7, Ste. Catherine Street West was to absorb the former and very short stretch of Albert Place the following spring.



    Lovell's Directory for 1960 lists four addresses on the former Albert Place. The 1961 edition, however, omits it entirely and only mentions its previous existence in the Prince Albert Avenue listing with the note "Albert Place ends".

    For some yet-to-be-discovered reason, all four Albert Place residents that are listed in the 1960 edition are not incorporated/renumbered into Ste. Catherine Street West in subsequent Lovell's editions; neither in the street list nor alphabetically by surname. Either these residents have been overlooked somehow or every last one of them vanished off the face of the earth.

  5. Off Topic!

    As we enter a New Year the following video poses several questions.

    Is it a spoof, and the driver is doing it for laughs for the camera?

    Is it true!

    Is there hope for us at all?


    What have we wrought? encore.

    Hope the family does not visit YouTube.

    My, My, My!

    Thank You.

    I did not recognise the location 'til after it was identified. Trees' growth threw me off.

  6. Using the 1947 aerial map along with further research reveals determined that many of the former dwellings on the north side of Ste. Catherine Street West between Victoria Avenue and Prince Albert Avenue were demolished presumably prior to the extension of Ste. Catherine to link up with Claremont Avenue.

    Directly opposite on the south side of Ste. Catherine Street West, however, there remain two very old dwellings incorporating four addresses, namely 4864, 4866, 4870, and 4872.

    West of Prince Albert, several other buildings existed prior to the extension and were likewise demolished.

    Looking back, it is amazing that this road extension ever happened at all for if it were proposed today it would encounter the most vehement opposition and outrage from Westmount.

  7. Once Again O.T.

    It would be nice if all postings containing a Link would be automatically activated and highlited in blue as recent Posting per M. EMDX re 1947 view of photo.

    ( My mind cannot remember that corner before the road was built, but, we did go that way by streetcar along Ste. C. from Walkley and Somerled, and, way back, by the 65 C de N. ex Snowdon Jct. and along old pre-1955 Dorchester. We would 'watch trains' at Westmount Station from time to time. )

    Other Blogs/Forums have this feature, and it is easier and quicker to open the link rite away rather than copying it to URL line and opening it there.

    At another Forum a poster was able to Activate the link in yet another poster's entry.

    I would like to know how that was done so I could do it, also.

    Thank You.

  8. Good suggestion, MP&I.

    I, for one, also find the page loads more slowly than other blogs which likely utilize different software.

    Using the Coolopolis search bar doesn't always bring up earlier topics and posts as easily as users would like.

    By the way, Kristian, your email address cannot be accessed via the "clicker" next to the ones to reach your Twitter page, etc.

    Finally, has anyone actually completed a program which would facilitate a more convenient way to use the 1947 aerial map, grid by grid?

    I seem to remember someone was working on this--or is it already out there?

  9. Thank You, Mr. U.L.

    I understand the original poster, in this case M. EMDX, can program the Links he posts to automatically be opened when clicked upon by other readers, often highlighted in blue when on a white background.

    In other forums I have looked at, a first poster puts up an item Link, but it is NOT 'Activated'. Later, a following poster takes unactivated Link and 'Activates' it, and reposts it Activated.

    Maybe M. EMDX could let us know the extra step required to Activate a link, Please?

    I too would like a way to access the 1947 images by a grid of some sort rather than juggling the digits in the URL line.

    As Mr. U. L. said quite some time ago, a set of photos as detailed as the 1947 images every ten years or so would be WONDERFUL!.

    I suspect air Reconnaissance camera techniques improved greatly, as did aeroplanes, in WW II.

    One still has to reference ANOTHER map to find the street names outside of the major ones he already knows as in Sherbrooke, Decarie, St Denis and so on.

    Knowing the layout of the Railways, The Aquaduct, the bridges and the Tramways certainly helps.

    ( Why NOT be greedy, as the Texting Generation says when they almost run over me in a X-Walk?? )

    I already had to tell a 20-something 300 pound tub-of-shit motorist in a an art-decoed 2-door sports car to 'Fuck Off' as he slid to a stop as I crossed in a marked intersection, yesterday.

    Happy New Year, my ASS!

    People in so-called 'Hot Cars' always forget that the 'Nice Car' does NOT improve what is INSIDE.

    Another aside.

    I was reading that they developed a very bright electric light during the War which was mounted beneath an aeroplane, it flashing at certain intervals to illuminate the ground for targetting enemy factories, a camera taking Hi-Res photos.

    The 'plane was flying high, safe from Ack-Ack.

    AFTER the War, the images were found useful to see where bombs had penetrated the ground and did NOT explode so they could be dug up and deactivated in peace time as the developers took over.

    War is dumb, isn't it.

    Thank You.

  10. This explains how to make a link clickable in the comments:

  11. Dear Mr, G.,

    Will this Link be clickable as it stands? Please?

    <a href="http://archivesdemontreal.com/greffe/vues-aeriennes-archives/jpeg/VM97-3_7P5-25.jpg>here <a> to go to archives de montreal.

    So much to learn.

    Thank You.


Love to get comments! Please, please, please speak your mind !
Links welcome - please google "how to embed a link" it'll make your comment much more fun and clickable.