Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Montreal photos that can never be unseen once seen

Now that you've seen the pride of the Point, Gump Worsley and Rangers' forward Andy Bathgate together in the shower in 1962 you can never unsee it.
   The Gump, on the left of course, with his fist cocked, was 32 at the time, while handsome Andy was 30.
   Gump, formally known as Lorne, put up some solid seasons in New York, but the Rangers traded him to the Habs the next year, not sure whether it had anything to do with his naked shower antics.
  Back in his hometown of emptyell Gump won a couple of Vezina awards for best goaltendering.
   Gump, who could be quite a grump, played in the NHL until the age of 44.
   If you want to see this pic in its uncensored form here's the link.

This studly young movie-star handsome kid made headlines after the war when he killed a family man from Montreal at a New York City hotel room.
   Ralph Edmund Barrows, 19, of Grand Rapids killed a Montrealer named Colin Cameron MacKellar, 56, who was in New York for business.  
  The two met in the hotel bar of the Waldorf Astoria and MacKellar invited the young man to his room in early November 1948.
   You can use your imagination to figure the textile salesman might have invited this young stud to his room for a late night drink.
   But Barrows then beat MacKellar to death.    Barrows had left a matchbook at the scene of the crime and police simply went down there and found him.
   He confessed. Sorry for the lousy photo, I'm too cheap to lay out the $20 for it on Ebay.

  This photo, which took some getting on my part, and has never - to my knowledge - been published, shows the apartment on De Maisonneuve near Guy where a VCR blew up in November 1984, a fatal blast set in retaliation for the murder 12 days earlier of Dunie Ryan at Nittolo's on St. James St. West.

   This photo was taken from an ad for the Salon Du-Charm at 4801 Henri Bourassa E., which appeared in an ad in Police Plus* of July 8, 1994. "You want to escape the ordinary while keeping a normal appearance? Gentlemen for a haircut there's only one place in Montreal for you, the Salon Du-Charm. Professional hairdressers , with many years experience, working in next to nothing, welcome you in a relaxed ad unique atmosphere. Let yourself be charmed!"
  My one regret in life is that I can't go back in time and visit this place because that's a heckuvan ad!
*Police Plus was a crime rag put out by Robert Monastesse, who also worked as a prison guard. He wrote a lengthy expose of the Rock Machine gang - which I might actually own - and was, sometime later, shot at his home by an unknown assailant. He survived but his publication did not.  I am told that he recently died. 


  1. I doubt Worsley would be allowed to keep that gut on him on today's team. NB your link leads to a lot more dick shots than just those two.

  2. Hmmmm.

    Yes, Some photos DEFINITELY should remain unseen and be able to be remade unseen once seen.

    I look better NOW, forty-odd years later.

    My, My, My.

    Thank You.

  3. BTW that was no vcr, everyone knows it was a entire television set packed with explosives and rigged to the power cord. If you're dumb enough to plug in a unknown gift t.v. ( as the criminal did )you deserve to get blown out of your high rise appt.

  4. My understanding of why Gump got traded to Montreal, is because Jacques Plante was trying to start a players' union there, and they switched goalies to get rid of a troublemaker.

  5. I heard Plante was traded from the Habs because he was wearing a mask too much, and this was seen as being too soft.


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