Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cops shoot man dead after visiting Montreal

  Here's an account what happened to a man who was shot dead in Bathurst New Brunswick by undercover cops after spending a weekend in Montreal.
   Store-owner Michel Vienneau, 51, came to Montreal last weekend with his girlfriend Annick Basque to watch a Canadiens-Penguins game and visit the big city. 
  The two left their car parked at the train station in Bathhurst and hopped the overnight sleeper train. They stayed in a hotel in Montreal. 
   Their stay was entirely normal and included a visit to the Bistro a Jo Jo on St. Denis where the couple had a drink with a friend. 
   When Vienneau and his girlfriend returned to Bathurst, they disembarked from the train at about 10 a.m. and got in their car and noticed a pair of suspicious-looking men in the adjacent car.
    One was wearing a ski mask and the other a tuque.
   The two men, it was later revealed, were undercover Bathurst police officers. 
   According to a description supplied to Coolopolis, Vienneau thought that the men looked shady and he felt nervous. 
   He attempted to drive off but nerves caused him to collide his car with the police undercover vehicle.
   One of the undercover cops then came out of that car and shot Vienneau three times in the head as his girlfriend watched. 
   It was stated that the undercover agents believed that Vienneau might have been a terrorist, which he most certainly was not.   


  1. Trust me...I am no fan of the Cops but I believe it will come out this week that the guy was dealing in drugs and once he saw the cops?..He knew he was screwed so he stepped on the pedal and hit a cop....the cop reacted and the poor guy is dead....I say the cops kept their mouth shut pending the funeral...monday or tuesday they will come out that he was a drug dealer....but does this allow them to shoot a guy???...P.S. I hope that I'm 100% wrong but I doubt it because family members been silent.....:(

  2. "It was stated that the undercover agents believed that Vienneau might have been a terrorist".

    That's the new "go-to" excuse:" I thought he was a terrorist"....

    I saw a 76 year old woman crossing the street at a red light (clearly a terrorist act). Quick, we need the government to take away more of our freedoms to protect us from such horrible people...

  3. Have there been any updates to this story? Seem very strange that Bathurst Police shoot and kill Michel Vienneau and that's the end of this story. Are the citizens in Bathurst questioning this. If this happened in the USA, the story would be headline news.

  4. I imagine they are at the "investigation" stage which means that everybody is being mum about it, conveniently, as interest settles down.

    I chatted with a Moncton reporter about it briefly and he said that it was a big story there at least. He said that the undercover cops were out for some other guy and seemed to confirm that the guy drove into the car driven by the undercover cops, although the source for that element of the story might have been this very site.


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