Thursday, January 22, 2015

Murder at Andrew's Pub - who did it?

Lavoie, MacDonald and McLaughlin in a Coolopolis collage
     The Cat's Den, now known as Andrew's Pub on Guy just below Ste. Catherine, has long been a nice place to enjoy a cheap beer and a free game of pool.  
  It was also the scene of a gruesome murder that ushered in a new reign of gunmen in the fabled West End Gang, Montreal's Irish Mafia.
   The image above is a photoshop dramatization of the shooting that took place at the bar on Sunday March 16, 1969.
John Slawvey
   No arrests were made but from our information Dickie Lavoie (left) and Jackie McLaughlin (right) came to shoot down their fellow West End Gang colleague James MacDonald who was enjoying a drink on that Sunday evening.
    The identity of the masked men remains unconfirmed but legend has it that Lavoie and McLaughlin were the shooters, although one newspaper suggested that John Slawvey was one of the two gunmen, as he had a motive and also went into hiding after the shooting.
    The two masked men entered and shot MacDonald 11 times in the head with an M-1 machine gun while about 20 others watched on, some of whom suffered injuries.
Dick Lavoie
   It's believed that MacDonald - also believed to be a killer - was shot by his own gang because they imagined he might turn informant.
   MacDonald had likely killed his partner Eric McNally and his schoolteacher girlfriend Susan Clarke at their West Island home at 12295 Gouin W. 
   MacDonald was angry at McNally over the resale of a bunch of TVs. MacDonald thought they would fetch a good sum but it turned out they were black and white TVs and McNally couldn't fetch the price MacDonald expected.
   McNally, MacDonald and Jimmy Collins would hang around Bud's, next to Chez Paree on Stanley and one time MacDonald feuded with someone and chopped his fingers off with a butcher's knife that he found in the kitchen of the place.
   Mob boss Louis Greco wasn't too happy about it.
   MacDonald had recently been in a $200,000 theft of a cigarette truck at the port.
   The splashy heist saw him and William Johnston, Philippe Savoie and John Slawvey shoot at cops.
   Slawvey hid, Johnston and the other man were rounded up.
   MacDonald turned himself in to police.

   By turning himself in MacDonald became a threat of turning informant, as that logic has it.
   Another explanation is that the gang was sore at him for killing somebody they didn't want dead.
   I'm told by an old-timer MacDonald was targeted by the killers just days before.
  According to that story MacDonald drove straight down Atwater with the killers on his tail. He only escaped because he managed to cross the train tracks (now gone) before a train passed, leaving the others behind to wait for the crossing..
   The irony was that the M-1 automatic employed to kill MacDonld might have been one that MacDonald himself had sold on the black market.
  Nine days later MacDonald's good friend and business partner James "Jimmy" Collins was gunned down at the Forum Tavern on March 25 1969. 
   The gunman sneaked up on Collins and blasted a bullet into his ear before fleeing. Thirty patrons and three employees saw nothing.
   The crew of McNally, MacDonald and Collins, who liked to hang around Bud Miller's Bud's Salon before it became a famous gay joint on Stanley was all now dead.
   The same suspects might have very well done that deed as well.
   McLaughlin and Lavoie became a new hit-squad for the West End Gang's faction led by Dunie Ryan and Alan Ross. Between them they are believed to have killed dozens, often on impulse. Slawvey likely killed at least three people.
     Slawvey was later shot by police. McLaughlin was stabbed to death by his friend Noel Winters in New Brunswick and Lavoie, a cocaine-sniffing ladies man who lived about the Ye Olde Pub on St. James and Elmhurst, died of natural causes.
      We have much more to say about various other unsolved West End Gang murders but are saving that for another place and time.


  1. Just a clarification: the M1 is not a "machine gun" it's a semi-automatic rifle.

  2. Replies
    1. There is the M-2 and it's the same thing, except for the selector near the top of the trigger guard

  3. Dick Lavoie has a Howard Cosell toupee.

  4. Small world they were all from Chateauguay. I was in grade 9 with Gail Fetchock's sister. I also knew the two individuals that discovered their bodies. Fetchock and Wouters had a baby in the house at the time they were shot, but the baby left unharmed.

  5. The M-2 Carbine had a selective fully automatic function, it was a little lever right next to the trigger guard..So technically Blork is right, it had to be an M2...Old Dick was in Lewisburg prison and was a body guard to Jimmy Hoffa's release. Dick told me that himself.

  6. True about the toupee also.

  7. The so called gunman who killed my dads cousin Jimmy Collins was Murry Jones, and it was over a case of beer. Murry later shot himself after serving 25 years in prison.. This happened in The Point while he was drinking at a private home with Quicy, the bar tender from the Condie Tavern.. The cops had plans of him going back to prison but he chose to take his 22 pistol and go out his own way... Mike you should know better than to say dick killed McDonald... And to set the record straight he was killed for threating my uncle Kenny Mann and his part in in Kennys nephew, my cousin.. James Aalexander Fryers murder...How am I so sure .... Because Im family bonehead..Its funny my dad Douglas Sunny Fryer and his cousin Jimmy Collins were in a car accident 8 months earlier.. Drunk as hell and my dad rolled his van 5 or 6 times... Jimmy died and was being rolled in to the cooler when he sat up and said who told you to pay such and such a pound for potatos...To the morticians suprise he sat up on a slab beliving was talking to his wife... obviously he was not..... He came back from the dead to be shot in the head in a tavern called the Forum or better known as the bucket of blood..He was hit 4 times in the head my Murray Jones...

    1. Hi Peter. My name is Christopher Rose, My father's name is Steve Rose and his mother my Grandmother is Linda Roy. I believe Jimmy Collins is my biological Grand father. I'd like to know more about him since they never told me a thing and I had to find out on my own. Cheers.

    2. Hi Peter, my name is Chris Rose and I believe Jimmy Collins was my biological grandfather. He had a son named Steven who is my father by my grandmother Linda Roy. I'd like to know more about him. Cheers.

    3. Collins was one of the toughest men to ever live in the point. So tough that even Murray Jones chose to shoot him rather than fight him.PS. first bullet came while Jimmy was sitting down with his back to Murray. He emptied the revolver just to make sure he stayed dead . After all Jimmy had been killed once before. LOL.

  8. Mike do you remember the night we just finished collecting money owed to me downtown and then going to my aunt Janes club.. Olearys afterwards.. Fights amounst us was not uncommon..I wasto start a fight with Peter White over him buying my girlfriend a drink.. That is until Aunt Jane flipped out.. I think Jackie and Gerry came in. My aunt and them gave us the your in shit when you get home look and rather than get in more crap from them along with my Aunt we left.. What happened next ill leave out...Its funny how Darcy talks about the family like he knows us...I was in Leclair from 77 until 81 and Rory was my best friend there... I took an English lit course at Dawson collage there and my teacher was a green eyed blond who had to be one of the best looking women I ever met.. Rory did go to school also and maybe Darcy was his english teacher but the three years we hung around he never talked about this Darcy being his teacher... As for Kenny yes he was there also along with his partner Tommy.. Eddie Alverez and the old man were somewhere else..

  9. Peter, I was 15 years old and I remember is was someone else who introduced us. That is the one time I met you. You seem to aspire to be a writer, find your own venue to rave and write novel long pages of bovine scatology.

    1. Maybe one of those 8 bullets messed up your memory. Ask Roy England where we first meet. It was at his brother Rays house. You stopped in while I was there and Ray introduced you to me.

  10. What else does everyone know about Jimmy MacDonald??

  11. When you say "they were all from Chateauguay" who exactly are you talking about? I also see you share the same last name as the man who was killed in the story above, are you related?

  12. Anonymous10:02 pm

    ��Jimmy... Oh jimmy Mac, when are you coming back...��

  13. Anonymous10:04 pm

    Jimmy Mac had a 17 inch hammer in his pants!

  14. What year did Murray Jones kill Jimmy was it after he served his years in prison. To my knowledge he served 14 years not 25 for the murder of a long shore men and a taxi driver.


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