Monday, January 05, 2015

Teresa Duncan's quest for wealth

  Westmount's Teresa Duncan was born in 1923 and by the time the war was finished she decided that she needed to be proactive about hooking up with a man with a solid income.
   So in 1947 Duncan - then 24 and working as a typist for the War Assets Corporation- wrote to a federal MP asking for a list of Canadian bachelors earning $100,000 per year.
   That would be about $1 million a year in today's money.
   Duncan had heard that there were 67 men earning that much and she definitely wanted to get to know one of them in the aims of persuading a coupledom.
   Her letter to CCF MP A.M. Nicholson was fruitless, as government didn't have any such information to send her.
   Undeterred Duncan, a 5'6" brunette, persuaded a Montreal reporter to use a daily newspaper to pimp her to help in her quest for a "moderate income man."
   She quite reasonably lowered he standards to accept a bachelor whose income doesn't exceed the $100,000 mark but "crowds it."
  Applicants were welcomed to contact her at 1384 Greene, presumably where she lived.
   "Sure I'm willing to exchange a typewriter for a super deluxe apartment with a built-in kitchen but what girl wouldn't?" she said.
   We'd love to know if Duncan ever managed to find her man. She would be like 91 is she's still got time on her clock. 


  1. She was living in WESTMOUNT. Please, can't someone end her suffering?

  2. Awwwwwwwww. about sums it up?

    I do know a family that stays together only 'cause he makes 80 K a year, tho', in todays' money.

    It beats working the nite shift at the truck stop and she DOES have her own car, a credit card, a cell 'phone which always works and the fuel bill is always paid.

    She does not have to come home to a cold trailer w/o heat and her insignificant other repairing his snowmobile on the carpet in the living room as the dog looks on, surrounded by beer cans, Export Plain butts in sardine cans and Zig Zag papers for other uses.

    ( Back in the day, MANY of my acquaintances lived like this! West of the Divide. Never a dull moment, w/knives and guns and pick up trucks + howling at the Northern Lights. The dogs howled, too, but, did not shoot shotguns.

    On Sunday AM, the TV Guide was needed to see just who had gone home with whom from the bar last nite. Then convoys were arranged to shuffle the kids and the clothes thruout the trailer court for Monday school.

    Yellow snow and beer pizzas everywhere.

    Great fun if trucks would not start, everyone was out of smokes, and the hang overs cut in. )

    Not ALL the gold is mined in Northern Ontario nor NWT.

    My, My, My.

    Glad I'm old and all thats over.

    Poor bastards, poor kids.

    I barely escaped the Alcoholic Bullet, but, many did not. And the drugs and the suicides.

    A man I know was over on Tuesday and I told him he killed his own Son by suicide being a shitty Dad.

    Held it in all these years, 'til now.

    I cried ( Again ) but, he did not.

    Doesn't seem worth it.

    Why would someone be wandering around down at Bridge and Mill in the nite??

    Thank You.


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