Monday, January 12, 2015

Mystery solved: here's who stole Brother Andre's heart

   This is the never-before-told story of who stole Brother Andre's heart from its marble pedestal beneath the basilica of the St. Joseph's Oratory on Thursday, March 16, 1973 at about 5 p.m.
  A young man from Point St. Charles named Bobby Addlin picked two locks on an iron gate that surrounded the heart which sat on a pedestal that had no alarms and fled with the unit.
   A West End Gang hangaround named Frank Ward had previously been assumed to have committed the crime. Ward was a serious criminal who committed at least one murder and his son Frank Jr. also went on to due some long-term time before recently being released. But that information proved incorrect.
 Addlin was accompanied by a young Peter Fryer.
   Church officials noted that the heart had no market value and initially hoped that it was just a college kids' prank.
   But someone rang up the Journal de Montreal and threatened to destroy the heart unless they were given $50,000. The caller, a francophone, directed them to a car parked at Cremazie and Drolet where a roll of film was found containing photos of the heart.
   Father Marcel Lalonde of the Catholic Holy Cross Fathers rejected the demand.
   The church denied reports that it received a flood of donations aimed at speeding the return of the glass-encased relic of Andre Bessette.
   The story made headlines around the world. Many ascribed the theft of the blood pumping organ to separatist bandits.
   The crime captured the imagination of the city: The Vehicule Gallery on St. Catherine just west of the Main devoted an exhibit to the theft.
   Artist Stephen Lack was one of the contributors to the irreverent exhibit.

 Alan "Bozo" Moyle and Frank Vitale wanted to do an art show celebrating the kidnapping and ransom of the heart. It was an open call and there were amazing and scandalous works, the most memorable being on a table of smaller pieces, a heart of a cow obtained from a butcher shop, wrapped in plastic wrap and positioned in a baseball mitt. Over the two weeks of the show the raw heart birthed maggots.
   Another was a life sized crucifix with a vibrating erection that someone put a ladder against and climbed the ladder to give the crucified a little oral to aid in the dispatch to the other side.
Peter Fryer
   One of my contributions was a large sized black garbage bag tied to the upper railing of the gallery in a way that made it heart shaped, and then spray painted red and topped with gold sprayed styrofoam worms.
  The Oratory learned to do without the heart, as Christmas passed without the familiar item near the crutches discarded nearby by miraculously-healed believers.
   Just days before Christmas 1974 police received a tip from lawyer Frank Shoofey who directed them to a house in southwest Montreal where cops recovered the heart in a basement.
   No arrests were made. The heart was returned to its spot on Saturday December 21, 1974 after 645 days.
Who did it?
  Peter Fryer, who says that he he is writing a book about his criminal past in Montreal, says that he took it with Bobby Addlin.
   Fryer, now 60, was sitting outside the Condi Tavern with Addlin and Bobby Matticks. Those two were about to be sentenced from five to 10 years for robberies. Addlin thought he could reduce their sentence if they had an item to exchange.
   Fryer and Addlin went up together and attempted to steal the heart. He notes that the doors were unlocked except for two small padlocks that proved easy to pick.
   They left with the heart and the lawyer contacted prosecutors, who balked at the notion of offering a lighter sentence in exchange for the return of the religious treasure.
   Addlin and Fryer felt that they had committed a major blunder and worried about getting murdered for their deed. They told two people only, Eddie McPolland and his brother Ronnie McPolland. They suggested that they never mention it to them or anybody else again.
   According to Fryer's story, the police eventually relented and the heart was returned. It's unlikely that any benefit came from the theft.
   Bobby Matticks, one of the famous Matticks Brothers clan, died of cancer in 1981.
   My attempts to reach Fryer to have yet to bear fruit. Fryer was later incarcerated for playing a role in a kidnapping situation engineered by Donald "Brother" McGuire, a currently-incarcerated hood with a particularly vicious reputation.


  1. I recognize Shoofey's hair from a recent story you did.

  2. Brother Andre looks like Spencer Tracey.

  3. Is it 'Robert Bob F.' ?

    1. it was robert bob P not f... the p stands for Pheeney

    2. I thought the proper way to write it was Feeney. Thanks for the clarification.

  4. I am writing a book about my life my family and the people I grew up with.Titled ROTTEN TO THE CORE.
    I am from The Point and have led a kind of interesting life.
    This is one event that I am sure people would like to hear about.

    It has been about fifty years since that night so I guess it is safe to tell this story now, so here goes.
    The part about it being traded of for less time is true.
    It started while sitting outside the Condi Tavern, a friend of mine named Bobbie McGee came by and sat in the park on a bench with us.
    As strange as it sounds Bobby Addlin and Bobby Matticks were already with me. The three Bobbies and I sat there and had a few brown bag beers.
    After an hour, it was just McGee and me. That was when Bobbie sprang the strangest request about me helping him with a robbery I have ever heard in my life. All I had to do was keep six.
    A couple of Bobbies friends were a few weeks away from getting 5 to ten years each in prison for a B&E and some robbery, and Bobbie was having no luck trading guns or shit for a lighter sentences. He was frustrated so he came up with a new plan.
    Steal Saint Andre’s heart from the St. Joseph’s Oratory, and threaten to burn it if they did not reduce his friend’s sentences down to 18 months each. I laughed but he didn’t.
    I’m not kidding, I can’t tell you everything that happened that night, but I will say. First off, the doors were not locked. The heart was not locked up as well as they say it was either. It was on a pedestal in a glass case, and it was only two shitty locks on the glass case that had to be picked, not three.
    I sat on those steps shitting my pants, thank God no one was around to see me. My legs felt like rubber when Bobbie whispered let’s get the hell out of here.
    Three days later, after he found a lawyer to negotiate the deal, those asshole cops told him to burn the heart if he wanted, there was no way they were going to be blackmailed into this plea deal.
    Thank god, no one knew we did it because we both would have been murdered. It was not just the cops of some other pissed off fanatics looking for us. We were in big shit.
    We both did not sleep for close to two months afterwards. Besides the lawyer and the cops, no one, not even family members knew about this deal, and not even the lawyer knew who we were.
    Up until this printing, as far as I know Eddie McPolland and his brother Ronnie were the only other people who we ever told. And even crazy “Machine Gun Eddie” told us never to mention it again. So I didn’t. All three Bobbies were adults but are dead now so they can’t get in shit, and I was a juvenile back then.I am pretty sure Ronnie and Eddie are also dead.
    Still, every time I heard a loud bang, I would just about crap my pants. Enough was enough and we were a couple of hours away from destroying that tin can and burning the shriveled up piece of crap inside it.
    Thank-God, the cops finally realized they couldn’t get it back unless they gave in. It was a good thing we both were tight-lipped about this capper. So no matter who they beat up, or what family they called asking for a favor. No one including this lawyer could help them.
    In fact, I was so paranoid. I told Bobbie if I was him I would not even contact the lawyer anymore. If Bobbie had not convinced the lawyer we had the thing, history would be telling a different story about that heart right now. Two months after sentencing, we knew the crown could not appeal so Bobbie completed our end of the deal.
    I still believe if we had asked for money, fate would have punished us, and alternatively if what we did were a sin, God would have. I swore I would never pull a stunt like that again after we got away with it. As usual, that was not the case.

    1. wow most of these are fake names... I know cause my dad orchestrated it....

    2. Must be fake cause my uncle had the heart Satan's choice member Montreal chapter.I remember it like it was yesterday as I was about eight years old.He came home an my Mother freaked out saying he was going to go to hell.that if he did not return it.I remember thinking my uncle ripped someone's heart out very frightening for a chold. Although lots of crazy stuff happened in our home with the gang

    3. I call bull shot here. An u know it too .my uncle Brian Powers took that heart I was 8years old he came home an my mother was tripping out. I'm willing to do lie detector are u ? Be real an just tell the truth. U guys were one of the fakesame and that's ok was a big thing in my house that night.a nightmare for a child.

  5. Great story Peter. I tried to reach you once before but did not succeed. Write me at and we will swap numbers to chat.

    1. I knew many of the Satan's Choice Members as my father was connected.also one of my uncles was in with the west end gang. (Bank jobs) he is still alive an loves to rely his crazy stories. Contact me I would also like to seek about the heart on Mont royal. Thanks

  6. Anonymous11:46 pm

    I had always heard it was MacGee who took the heart.

  7. I, along with Suzy Lake, designed and silk-screened the poster for the show. My piece for the show was a found statue of Yeshua that I painted with clown makeup.
    Alex Neumann


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