Saturday, March 28, 2015

Quiz - what great Canadian poem/song was penned at this West Island house 200 years ago?

     The Canadian Boat Song was penned at this house in Ste Anne's by Irish bard Thomas Moore in 1803.
   Kids used to sing it in school. The tune is from a traditional voyageur number. Moore discusses the miracle that took place about 100 years earlier when a bishop survived a heart attack. Tjhe last church on the island is devoted to voyageurs, he notes.
The house is the Simon Fraser House - which is not the same Simon Fraser as the fur trapper on the west coast.
   It is located at Ste. Anne (Lakeshore) Blvd just west of du College.


  1. The Maple Leaf Forever, by George Formby?

  2. 200 years ago? Must be "Suzanne" by Leonard Cohen.

  3. To Unknown said:
    I think you’ve got me beat!
    and I think you may be right!

  4. Who considers Thomas Moore a greater poet than Yeats?


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