Friday, April 24, 2015

Legendary Mike French, brutal biker bad boy at the center of Montreal mysteries

Mike French, top right

   Mike French (1950-1982) according to the many legends, grew up at the Weredale House for Boys because his family was poor.
   Poor parents would sometimes cast off boys into places and keep their girls, who tended to be much less trouble and better help around the house.
   French attended Queen's School on Olivier in Lower Westmount where he befriended Bobby Chou (1950-2018)..
   The two went on to join the Satan's Choice biker in St. Henri. Chu spent his later years living in NDG around Sherbrooke and Melrose.
   Satan's Choice was a powerful force whose notoriety became known here in 1969 when 12 to 23 gang members raped a 15-year-old, while another woman was forced to beat on her in Ottawa.
   In June 1969 French recklessly drove his motorcycle for at least four miles at over 60 mph downtown, driving through red lights and stop signs. Three months later a judge punished French and his pal for the stunt, sentencing French and fellow biker Robert Bouliane to jail for eight days. He also slapped them with $200 fines and forbade them to ride motorcycles for two years.  
   Soon those who knew French  developed misgivings about hanging around with him.
   An old friend of his tells me that once on a night out he returned to see somebody innocently sitting on his motorcycle on Crescent St. He pounced on the guy and proceeded to hurt him in a way that his friends found incredibly gratuitous and shocking.
   Another time French took four hits of LSD and didn't seem to be affected at all by the massive quantity of acid in his system.
  French, whose photo I have yet to find, was tall, thin and ungainly with buck teeth.
  "He had a Nazi look to him. Germanic. Over 6ft. Fair hair, clean cut. He looked in very good physical shape," said another.
   Another woman who knew French told Coolopolis that he became far more cruel after his four year old daughter died but details of that story remain unclear.
   He would routinely beat up his girlfriend Claire who sported black eyes and bruises, earned for such offenses and declining to make him coffee when he strolled in after a night out.

 French was also known to be a rapist who impregnated a 14-year-old girl who gave birth to the child and put him up for adoption. The child was raised by adoptive parents on the West Island and is an accomplished professional. It is believed that French might have fathered other children in a similar fashion.

Found dead

   French was eventually found murdered in November 1982 and his body was found in Kahnawake. Local legend has it that he boasted about killing young Sharron Prior seven years earlier in Point St. Charles.
   That murder has never been solved. Police named West End Gang hitman Jackie McLaughlin as a suspect in French murder.
   He supposedly killed French upon hearing that news of Prior's murder, as a sort of community service.
   His body was supposedly chopped up in a room at the Belvedere Hotel and dumped elsewhere later.
   According to an anonymous source who has posted about French on the internet, French during his time with Satan's Choice killed several Popeyes and thoroughly enjoyed attacking and torturing others for minor perceived slights. Apparently he quarreled with someone named Michel Cardinal and stepped on his neck and pulled his shoulder out of the poor man's socket.
   The Popeyes became the Hells Angels and supposedly 38 Satan's Choice members were killed (seems a bit doubtful) except French survived.
   Who killed Mike French? Well according to that 2006 version, it was neither McLaughlin or the Hells, but rather people still "operating in the West End." This version suggests that French was killed as punishment for raping the daughter of a Mafia boss, while another alternate version has French killed by police for raping the daughter of an officer.
   The official version of McLaughlin killing French seems to hold most water. 



  1. I remember Mike French from the mid-70s...The Maples Inn (long gone) comes to mind. I didn't know him personally, though, which is probably just as well.

  2. You are quite cavalier in your mentioning of Werdedale House in your story. You obviously don't know much about the place. Most boys who ended up in the home were there for their own protection. Many went on to have very successful lives including Victor Malarek of W5 and The Fifth Estate.
    Why should it be any surprise that some boys who had tortured childhoods later turned into criminals? They didn't get a very good start in life.
    A number of former Weredale boys will tell you that the home saved them from a worse life that they were living at home.
    You may or may not know that former Montreal Alouette and BC lions coach, Wally Buono, spent time in Shawbridge in the Laurentians which was also once called The Boys Farm.
    People get bad breaks in life.Kids don't get to choose their childhoods.

    Alan Ross, one of Montreal's all time worst criminals, once went to Willingdon School in NDG. Would you photoShop a picture of him in front of that school?

    This may be all fun and games for you but you never had to have their experiences.

    You need a bit of sensitivity training methinks.

  3. Did you know French during your time there Colin?

  4. Never heard of him. Does writing about his violence and the rape stuff have any point other than digging up old unpleasant stuff and sensationalizing it? You can be better than this shlock!

    1. The people are fucking idiots! They have No clue who Mike French was, they only know what the pigs tell the public. I have been involved with crime all my life I have rarely met an ice cold person. If ever. and I know many many people who have killed.

    2. I knew Crazy Mike in the 70s when he was a member of the Choice...i use to date his sister Wendy... He never disrespected me...

    3. Coolopolis is about the only outlet that actually writes about Montreal's underworld, and it's very interesting. You're right to defend Weredale House, but very wrong in your (unfortunately all too typically Canadian) attitude towards the press.

  5. It's a story and someone has to tell it, Violence and all. that's what makes it a story. I knew chew and saved him from getting his eyes taken out with a pen one night at an after hours. That makes a story. And yes, Sharon Prior was raped and killed and the police stopped a biker I know and they told him they knew it was French..So it is a story worth telling, how these types of people (French/Police) operate. Jack McLaughlin was totally a suspect in his murder (Yes, knew him too) and as far as Allan Ross in the boys home I don't know that, but he is news worthy and I am a sucker for a well researched and well told story, aren't we?...This one could use a little more background, methinks.

    1. I think I know French also. I was in the SC back in the late 60's. I recall he was in the back seat of a car we we in. The police had stopped us and were checking us out. French had a gun and kept threatening to shoot the police officer. It is all we could to calm him down. I was like a time bomb!

  6. yes..and I am Sharron prior's sister! It has been 40 years that my sister was taken held for 4 days..raped and beaten..broken jaws fractured skull...yes and your right colin..this stuff is unpleasant..but our family has had to live with it for 40 years..yes someone has to continue to tell it.

    1. @Sharon so sorry to hear about your pain and suffering.

    2. Sharon : was an innocent 15 year old girl who should have a long life and he took her life from her for no reason at all I am happy he got what he did.

  7. Anonymous11:13 pm

    Well people like French what can we say he is we're he needed to be ,,,,raping girls running around beating peope
    Steeling ,,,wow that is not a good story ,,,weredale boys school ,,now that's a story. You will find many pope who survive weredale ,,yes we had sports swimming summer camps ,,,from 1969 till 1970 the best part was he we met American drafts Dodgers who were their helping young kids learn hippie culture greatest bands ,,,,book I read 1970 in randy class high on yes Lsd was Go Ask Alice actually randy slap the book on me while I was tripping ,,Randy came from California very cool teacher ,,,different times their should be. An inquiry about the sick people who ran it ,,,thanks for cool times Teacher Randy ,,,,,Mr McManus. I remember you be good cheers ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

  8. I had an encounter with Mike French back in 1967 during my younger & wilder days. I didn't hang out with bikers, but sometimes I went to places where there were likely to be women I could pick up for fast & easy sexual encounters. One of these places was called The Image (the following year, it was renamed the "Op". There were bikers there, it was a Satan's Choice hangout. I had enough good sense to mind my own business and watch my mouth and made sure any women I approached were not being pursued by someone else. I knew a few of the choice and felt comfortable enough to hang out occasionally.

    Mike French was a dude who immediately impressed me as someone not to offend in any way. He was trouble with a capital "T", although reading this story about him shocked the hell out of me.

    I had a small motorcycle, a Yamaha 100. One evening, I showed up at the Image with a buddy on the back and French approached me and told me he wanted to "borrow" my bike to take a friend of his someplace right away. He ordered my buddy on back to get off...and when he hesitated, he pushed him off into the street. I knew I would never see my bike again if I gave it up...I had to think fast...and so I offered to take his friend wherever he wanted to go and invited him to climb aboard. To my relief, my suggestion was acceptable to French and his friend and I drove him to where he wanted to go, waited a few minutes for him and then brought him back to the Image. I collected my friend and drove away and never went back to the Image again.

    I never saw Mike French or heard anything further about him until 48 years later when I read this chilling story here.

  9. I too am a sibling of a murder victim, and I have no issue with anything Kristian chooses to write about. I have been reading Coolopolis for a decade now. It is THE chronical of Quebec subculture. A valuable archive of the dirt beneath the fingers of the province. Viva!

  10. I am sorry about your loss, John.

  11. Clacker, I appreciate that. Thank you.

  12. some friends and i had the opportunity to entertain at weredale on friday and saturday nights.early 70's didn't think much about it until about 5 years later a person came up to me in alexis neon plaza.excuse me but aren't you the guy that played harmonia at weredale a while back ? it was so cool !!thank you..and walked away ..i was amazed it didn't mean much to me at the time but meant the world to this kid .. never take anything you do for granted.. thanks johnny stugg.

  13. I knew Mike French very well in 1969 and 1970.

  14. I was only fourteen in time flies!

  15. Very interesting, I suddenly had an urge to google Mike French and lo, here is a fractured biography. I knew him quite well back from about 1963-1969 or so. As is mentioned here, he was rather wild, a product of a broken home, probably never knew his father, graduate of Shawbridge Boy's Farm. Robert Shu he met after he joined up with the scummy Choice. Thereafter, he was a goner, with such a blighted upbringing, being a member of that scurrilous group of serious delinquents was the last nail in his coffin. I was not at all surprised to see that he was killed.

    1. hey man i know mike french from when i was on the farm,i was in Birks cottage and he was in Dougall cottage and he certainly was no big shot there,the big shots of the farm during my stay was Billy Paris and Kenny Whitebean.

  16. For years I have been trying to find out what ever became of Micheal French. In the mid 1980's I returned for a visit in the Montreal area and a friend told me he heard that Mike had died but he wasn't sure. All this before Internet so it was hard to find him...Every now and then I have entered his name in search engines but found nothing...tonight I tried and added Satan's Choice along with his name and low and behold it brought me to this sight. I met Micheal in the mid 1970's when I was 14yrs old...he acually saved me from a horrific experience and kept me safe until he could get me home. He dropped me off near my home and gave me his number and a place I could find him if I ever needed help or anything. I did look him up maybe a year later and he came and met me and a friend..He was nice..he was like a big brother. he never harmed me..and gave me some good advice..(I was a runaway) I knew he was no angel considering his affiliations but I am so shocked at the picture portrayed of him on these posts. Surely not the person I met.. I have looked for him on and off for all these years to tell him Thank You..thank you for saving me...

  17. Wow We were talking about him Saturday night. Knew him. Friends? NO!

  18. Both my Dad and Uncle went to Weredale House. My older brother did too. Myself, I only attended camp in around 1961. Frenchy, as they called him them, was my age around 10. We were both in Blackfoot Hut. He was a mean bully then.

  19. iam a product of weredale boys home.i met mike french one day on cresant street. i was wanting to buy some hash off of him. he proceeded to rip me of for 25.00 . i went scouting around to find out where he lives and found out. i went over to his plce knocked on the door and he answered I was thirteen at the time i asked for my money back and he looked surprised that i was there but what he didnt know was i was a hangaround with choise so i knew rod andsome of the boys igrew up in the he took me by the coller andkicks of the little three stepsof his place

  20. I met his son on facebook

  21. I knew Mike in Vancouver in 1966, Montreal in the late sixties and Bordeaux prison...Cruel sadistic mother.

  22. Mike French may be cleared as a suspect of the murder of Sharron Prior this week or next, (May 2023).
    DNA evidence has led Longueuil police to Franklin Maywood Romine of West Virginia (deceased 1982) as the lead suspect.
    Sincerest condolences always to the Prior family.


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