Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Must-watch old documentary on old time Lakeshore in West Island

 Must-watch history of the Lakeshore on the West Island from 1979.
 Many thanks to the brilliant video archivist Martin Lamontagne for digging this up.
-Some people living out there who boast of being descended from navigators (49 mins)
 -Guy says that spaces between houses were not designed to bring boats down but rather so cars could pick up water and ice. (50 minutes).
 -Woman says that farmers would sit around and do nothing all day most of the year while their wives worked hard. (around 10 minutes)
 - In Ste. Anne's the anglos and francos don't mix much and have totally different traditions, for example anglos take the train into town to commute, while the francos drive .(55 mins)
 -No real land records were taken in early days so farmers would bury porcelain along their borers and in the event of any dispute the land was dug up to find the porcelain (Very interesting English guy, with Irish lilt, possible named Michael Carley 27 minutes)
  Claude Hoskin, Laurier Descary, Sarto Desnoyer, Germain Racin Jean Louis Rousse,  Guy Allard, Michael Carley, Lucien Mireault, Paul Perrier, Lucien Cardinal, Guy Dubreuil, Samuel Garceau, 

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