Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Convicted cocaine tax defrauder still has a big job at the city of Montreal

   The head of the city of Montreal's public consultation department spent over four years defrauding taxpayer dollars to buy cocaine.
   Luc Doray - a lifelong, well-connected ardent separatist and government fonctionnaire - falsified $33,000 in receipts while working for the Parti Quebecois provincial government between 1994 and 1998.
   Doray, now 60, was reimbursed by our tax dollars for his cocaine purchases by submitting over 150 invoices including one bill for a $374 meal from a place that doesn't serve food. He also purportedly spent $5,800 for 34 meals at a bistro but it was really for white powder that went up his nose.
   He even submitted a fake lease for $540 a month, all very good news for some coke dealer but not such good news for taxpayers.
   Doray who was already in his mid-40s at the time, was eventually caught and tried and hit with an eight month suspended sentence and ordered to repay $29,000, do community service and pay a $4,000 fine. His payments were to be $500 a month, but we don't know if that included interest.
  Doray had two other charges against him dropped in return for his guilty plea.
   He was able to repay the bills with our tax dollars, as he kept his job at the city of Montreal. 
   You see, Doray was nailed while working for the province but that was only a loan. He returned to his old job in Montreal after being canned in Quebec City in 1998.
  Doray started at the city of Montreal and rose fast under Mayor Jean Dore.
   When he returned from Quebec City to push pencils back in Montreal he was earning about $77,000 so his annual taxpayer-paid salary is surely much higher now.
   Doray blamed bulimia and his sexual orientation for his cocaine cash fraud scheme.
   While in Quebec City Doray worked under Louise Harel and Andre Boisclair, who was also gay and also saw his career damaged by cocaine disclosures.
   I have filed an access to information request to look through Doray's expense accounts at the city of Montreal since 2002.

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