Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Street View helps Montrealer win $72,000 lawsuit

    A court has ordered Bell Canada and the city of Montreal to pay Rachel Collard, 70, over $72,000 after she was injured falling into a rotting manhole cover in Crawford Park Verdun in December 2010.
    Collard was 64 when she gifted her son the building at 7395 LaSalle Blvd. in 2010.
  She came to visit him that same year, parked around the corner and promptly fell hard on the sidewalk due to the deteriorated manhole.
   She broke a wrist and suffered other injuries.
   Bell Canada showed up to grill her on whether the lights were really dim and to question whether in fact the manhole was in such bad shape.
  The issue was solved thanks to good old Street View, as all the plaintiff had to do was to fire up the laptop and move the cursor around.
   Collard was shooting for $99,000 but will surely be thrilled to go home with over $72,000 in her purse.
   Coolopolis noted a few years ago that cyclist Juliet Davies won $1 million from the city after ending up in a wheelchair due to her bicycle wheel getting stuck in a drain in 2007. It took a couple of years for the city to get around to replacing those drains.
   In this case the rotting manhole was fixed within a few months, as Street View demonstrates


  1. A (lawyer) friend successfully defended him from a parking ticket by presenting Google photos that showed the total absence of “no parking” signs.

    What probably helped, though, was the city prosecutor blowing his top when presented with Google photos, and loudly claiming that those could not be used as evidence…

    But in my experience, city prosecutor are grossly incompetents, and it’s a wonder they can secure convictions.

  2. O.T.

    Re Manhole ( Is that genderly Correct? as in Postperson, Chairperson, Fisherperson ) altho' it does sound more politically correct than the opposite gender allocation might?

    Anyway. Harking back to a subject of quite some time ago.

    Apparently Four 4 Montreal Tramways Conduits Manholes are known to exist.


    One 1 of same has been removed to the Exporail Railway Museum @ Delson and will eventally be placed in the cobblestones of the Tramway display.

    Thank You to Montrealers, and, the Internet, bringing so much together, like it or not.

  3. Everyone should be particularly vigilant regarding the current and ongoing roadwork all over the island Montreal and in the suburbs.

    For example, negligent contractors overlook small mounds of asphalt left to harden on the sidewalk after paving the adjacent street as well as leaving behind debris such as cone supports, warning signs, barriers, etc.

    In addition, there are districts which have still not removed old gratings-- dangerous traps just waiting to gobble up cyclists' narrow racing wheels. Night riders beware!

    See: https://www.google.ca/maps/@45.4270069,-73.648929,3a,75y,128.17h,82.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sU-6mSp5fLmieOGBhVxj7Iw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    ...this one in LaSalle on Lafleur Avenue south of Wanklyn of which there are many exactly like it along that stretch of the road. Strangely enough, these gratings alternate with the safer, angle-slotted, circular sewer plates. Why didn't they simply replace the bad ones all at once instead of piecemeal?

    I encourage everyone aware of similar road hazards to post their relevant Google Map here in this blog so that those responsible for repairs and upgrades will do their duty.


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