Friday, October 21, 2016

Reet Jurvetson investigation - a possible lead

   Since breaking the story of the murder of Reet Jurvetson in Los Angeles in 1969, Coolopolis has been receiving tips and suggestions in hopes that it might solve the case.
   This latest one may or may not prove useful.
   Young Jurvetson traveled to Los Angeles to find a boy she was crushing on by the name of Jean.
  His identify remains a mystery.
  The two were staying at the place of another Montrealer also named Jean, as shown in the illustration.
    The image was drawn by Paul Robert, based on a description by Gilda Green, who chatted with this Jean (the host, not the boyfriend) one night after Reet had disappeared at Cafe Prag on Bishop. Green tells Coolopolis that host Jean was short, around 5'6" and spoke very little English.
    I saw him at the Prag. I asked him about Reet. He said she was happy, stayed with them for about 2 weeks and then left on her own. I asked where she went. He said he didn't know. I also asked about his friend Jean. He said he was still in L.A. He really was not able to say much in English. It was not an in-depth conversation by any means. After this, I never saw him again.
  The Jean seen above bears a strong resemblance to another Jean from Montreal, from the same time in the same scene.
   As well as looking exactly like the man in the sketch and having the same first name, this Jean traveled to Los Angeles during those years.
   Coolopolis is interviewing his acquaintances in an attempt to find out whether he might have been in Los Angeles at the time.
   Green recalls Jean as being short, however, and this Jean was tall, around 6'2" and spoke excellent English. So the lead may or may not pan out. Those with further information are welcome to pass them along to
See also: Coolopolis exclusive: Montreal woman identified as Jane Doe 59, possible Manson Gang victim


  1. This just in:

  2. Yeah ... clearly someone in LA murdered her... they are groping around in the dark. There's a lot of TV studio action around where she was killed... some TV studio narcissist might have done it... My efforts aim to find the two guys named Jean and work from there...

  3. I think its a shame that the LAPD didn't put more effort into solving this crime.

  4. I always wondered how come a minor girl (majority changed from 21 to 18 years old in 1972) could have left her wealthy family in Westmount to move with her grandmother to Toronto to work for Post Canada then leave to LA on her own. She was not estranged with her family as she writing to them. My feeling is that she wanted to pursue a cinema career there but either fell in the path of a maniac or refused to act as a drug mule (she was hanging out at The Image that was nearly a shooting gallery. Her killer is either the same that killed the other girl that was dumped in Mulholland Drive ravine in january of the same year or a acquintance of Sam Fried (drug dealer owner of The Image)


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